Flemmi Koff

"...She enjoys helping Plugdung in the Alchemy lab to make brews and potions..."

Flemi is an Orc and is a cousin to Chesty and Froaty Koff.

A portrait of Flemmi Koff in The Hard Lands
by Noël Mallet

A be-jewelled tooth

You’ll recognise her because she has a giant bronze torc-ring through one of her tusks.

She is very proud of this and asks most people she meets if they like it. Some good advice at this point is just to say “yes”, even if you don’t particularly like it...


A sweet tooth

She enjoys helping Plugdung in the Alchemy lab to make brews and potions but her favourite job is helping him make candied jellies. She often checks they are up to Plugdung's usual standard by tasting them herself, just to make sure they are sweet enough!

Flemi has a bit of a sweet tusk when it comes to those candied jellies. She is especially fond of the blue ones.


Flemmi's adventures

When she goes adventuring, she usually carries her big spiky mace. She particularly enjoys whirling it around and around as it makes the strips of her armoured skirt swish as she spins like a top.

Favourite colour


Favourite drink

Special blue brew made from Candied Jellies

Favourite places

Plugdung's Alchemy Lab and the Pit 'N'Swet

Favourite saying

Do you like my toof ring?

Favourite food

More blue Candied Jellies!

Current Location
Aligned Organization

Cover image: GRiNdaL and his friends by Noël Mallet
Character Portrait image: by Noël Mallet


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