
"...Na, it ain't magik!..."

Gitt is a sneaky Goblin who mostly stays in the shadows.

He does this for two reasons. One, he is particularly nosey and likes to know everybody’s business, and two, he doesn’t really trust anyone other than the Goblins and the Pit 'N' Swet Krew.


The bravest of the goblins?

A lot of people think he is reckless and a bit nuts.

The truth is that Gitt has no fear whatsoever. He lost his fear it a long time ago in a cave in The Hard Lands and he’s been unafraid ever since! So, you can see how that would appear to those who don’t know.

He’s spent so much time adventuring with the Orcs and the Ogre’s that he mostly forgets he’s just a Goblin and carries a sword that’s far too big for him (but don’t tell HIM that, or he’ll get cross).


Gitt also loves tinkering with mechanical things and can often be found working in Uglub’s armoury on various new devices and weapons.

When he’s not at the armoury, Gitt looks after the waterwheel at the Pit 'N' Swet Tavern and keeps it in good working order.


Gitt’s best friend is Labrat, but when the two get together, they often get into all sorts of mischief (usually Labrat’s fault!).

He doesn’t like to admit it, but Gitt is a bit of a Shaman too.

He usually uses his Shroom-Web power to get him and Labrat out of trouble, but only if nobody can see him do it!

Favourite food

Steak with mushroom sauce

Favourite colour


Favourite item of clothing

His black hakama (robe for sneaking)

Best Friend


Favourite saying

I've got my eye on you!

Current Location
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Character Portrait image: Gitt the Goblin by Noël Mallet


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