
"...Grobbelobelob has learned the power of the Shroom-web..."

Grobbelobelob is a shaman and friend of all the spiders and creepy crawlies that the Creepy Crawly Woods are named after.

He speaks all their languages and understands them all. They often come and bring him news from other parts of the Woods and The Hard Lands and he often rewards them with a thimble of Bilge’s famous mushroom soup.

Grobbelobelob carries the Purple Mushroom Pennant with great pride wherever he goes, he is the Goblin's standard bearer.


He is also very good friends with the ruler of Spiderwood and is often invited to meetings there.


Being a Shaman is very different from being a mage. Goblins quite rightly do not dabble in magic spells or sorcery because it takes lots of dedicated practice, learning and serious thinking to cast magic spells.

Shamans are still magical, however, and feel the power through their thoughts and feelings and those of others.

This is one reason why Grobbelobelob can communicate with all the creepy crawlies and understands the power of the Shroom-Web.

The Shroom-Web is a mystical power that runs throughout the World of Owtdare, but Grobbelobelob is very careful only to use this power sparingly and only when it is needed.

He carries the Purple Mushroom Pennant to remind the Goblins of how important the Shroom-Web is.

Favorite colour


Favorite food

Rare purple mushrooms

Favorite place

The big hollow tree next to the Great Oak

Favorite item of clothing

His shaman robe decorated with purple triangles

Best Friend

Sukey the spider

Current Location
Aligned Organization

Articles under Grobbelobelob

Character Portrait image: Grobbelobelob the Goblin Shaman by Noël Mallet


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