Purple Mushroom Pennant

"...It was made by Uglub and given to Grobbleobelob when he had to go a long journey..."

The Purple Mushroom Pennant is carried by Grobbelobelob.

It was made by Uglub and given to Grobbelobelob when he had to go on a long journey many years ago with Otto (a good friend and Knight of Venros)

The Goblin's Mushroom Pennant
by Noël Mallet

Anything Uglub makes is important and anything he gives to anyone else is special. Not 'special' as in, 'ooh that piece of a cake is a bit special' or 'can I have a special surprise for my birthday'.

No, this is 'SPECIAL' as it has a meaning that is much more than just about 'stuff'. Special to Uglub are things like friendship, loyalty, and trust and Uglub likes to remind the Goblins, Orcs and Ogres of these things.


So why a purple mushroom? Well, it's not just any purple mushroom, it's THE Purple Mushroom. The Pennant reminds everyone that sees it about the power of the land that is represented to the Goblins by the Shroom-Web.

The reason why that's important is because, as Uglub knows, if you leave Goblins, Orcs and Ogres to do whatever they want, whenever they want, they sometimes get into a little bit of trouble.

The Purple Mushroom Pennant is like having the really important reasons that you do things, just looking over your shoulder, reminding you of why those things are important. 


This is exactly why Grobbelobelob carries it with such care, but also why he will, if asked nicely, let others carry it too (as long as they promise look after it!)

Cover image: GRiNdaL and his friends by Noël Mallet


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