Primian Compound

"It was all sharp corners and treated metal, which was designed to repel the elements rather than work with them. It was nothing like the beautifully constructed homes of Nuskan, which worked with the trees and waterways, wrapping themselves around the marvels that were already there. Like the people who inhabited it, Rin felt it was arrogant in the way only an off-worlder could be. No one who understood the wonder this world provided would disrespect it like that."
— Extract from Whispered Rebellion



The structure now known as the Primian Compound began construction in 221 PT, in the outskirts of Nuskan on P'Ache Micro. The construction was commissioned by the Primians who were on the planet at the time and were overseen by them. It was built by Macrans, using grafitium and other Primian building activities.   It was built as a replacement for the Hometree - Fenfolium Abordormusia which had originally been presented to the Primians by the Macrans.  


In 221 PT, the Primians began negotiations with the Macrans in an attempt to enter into a treaty. This treaty would allow the Primians to extract rare minerals from the ocean on P'Ache Micro, and in exchange, they would help the Macrans become more technologically advanced. As these negotiations were held on P'Ache Micro, the Primians required temporary accommodation for the duration. The compound would provide not only somewhere to sleep and rest, but also a safe space for them to make detailed records, strategise and contact Command on P'Ache Prime.
  Originally it was built out of grafitium, but it eroded far quicker than anticipated when faced with the heat and humidity of the swamps. So work began on P'Ache Prime to come up with a material which would hold up to the test. This led to the creation of Crystallinal Wash and in 238 PT the Compound was reconstructed out of Treated Grafitium. This had the unexpected consequence of turning what was created as a temporary structure, designed to be destroyed after it had served its usefulness, into a permanent fixture of the Nuskan swamps.  

The Building


It was built in the then-modern style, now known as Hard Factual, which was popular with Primians from Expansion Age up until approximately 1300 PT. The style is recognisable by the sharp lines, the square construction blocks and the large expanses of walls without any visible windows.  


Below is a rough approximation of a floor plan of the original compound structure. It was further developed after 271 PT when the treaty was signed.  
Outdoor balcony
Outdoor dining space
Office space

Related Articles

Culture Primian, Macran, Pachian, Peacekeeper
Locations Nuskan, Rakan, P'Ache Micro, P'Ache Prime, P'Ache Solar System, The Primary Territories, Peacekeeper Territories
Founding Date
221 PT
Alternative Names
The Compound, The Monstrosity
Military base / complex
Parent Location
Building Materials
Treated Grafitium
Architectural Style
Hard Factual


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