
"I hate shaking hands with a Suuu.   No, I don't think that's a speciest thing to day. The scaley, unpleasant texture is only part of it.   The real reason is because they seem to be constantly trying to prove their superiority. They are a proud people, which means it is all to easy to offend them because they're not nearly as advanced as they think they are. Shaking hands with a pride-hurt Suuu is a really easy way to get a bruised if not broken hand.   No amount of decorum is worth that."  
— Extract from Travelling To Victory: An Exploration of Victalis System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly  

Proud Pioneers

The Suuu think of themselves as pioneers. Their very name is about forward looking. They are resourceful and are constantly working to improve things for themselves.   When the Peacekeepers landed they had already achieved a primitive version of space travel, and their pride was rubbed the wrong way by the Pachian's condescending attitudes.

Forward Focused

The Suuu's name is more accurately pronounced with a hiss and a rolled 'u' that is almost a whistle. It comes from a Suuu word which means people of the future, or forward focused people. The Peacekeeper apply a more Pachian pronounciation which sounds more like Sue-ue, than the original Sss-you-you-ou.   As the Peacekeepers find this pronounciation difficult, they wrote into their own pronounciation into the peace treaty without necessarily checking this detail with the Suuu representatives.

Basic Information


The reptillian Suuu walk on two legs. They have two arms a muscular thick body and a relatively large head and are covered in scales. They have a long thick tail which drags on the floor. It helps with their balance and can fall off if damaged or attacked. It then takes up to 5 months for it to regrow.   Suuu have external ears and eyelids which make them part of the lizard family. Their sense of smell is good, but their eyesight and hearing is naturally less advanced.  

Blue Tongues

  The Suuu have bright blue tongues which serve multiple purposes, which include:  
  • As a Warning
  • Warning people away when they feel threatened or angry.  
  • Pick up particles from the air
  • This allows them to better understand what's happening around them, and enhances their sense of smell.  
  • Select a potential sexual partner
  • The particles in the air allows them to pick up on pheromones which tells them more about other Suuu and whether they might be open for a sexual relationship.  
  • Long-range communication tool
  • The shade of blue reflects UV light which can be seen by other Suuu from a distance, and can be used to communicate with a language they call Tongue Flashing.

Genetics and Reproduction

Suuu are famously monogomous. Their tongue allows them to tell when meeting someone whether or not they are already in a sexual relationship with someone else, so there is no fear of cheating. But even without this, there is no desire to stray outside of their relationship, because they choose their sexual partners carefully.   This does not mean that they mate for life, but that the average Suuu spends 63% of their adult life single. This isn't something that they find lonely or shameful, as they are not a particularly social people.   When they do take a sexual partner, the aim is usually to reproduce. Being reptilian, once fertalised the female produces eggs, but rather than laying them, she carries them inside her, where they will hatch before being "born".   Females will give birth to 10-20 live young which take approximate 12 years to mature. At 12, they leave home and start making their life independent of their parents. It is common for parents to separate once all children have been raised. Sometimes this occurs sooner, and there are places where children whose parents need solitude can be looked after for any length of time from a few months all the way up to years, until their parents either return or the children are considered mature.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

As individualists, the Suuu don't have a lot of shared traditions, there are things which they will observe by themselves, which are accepted by the rest of society. Two such examples are:  

Garden Rests

A Garden Rest generally lasts anywhere from a couple of hours to no longer than 2 days. These rests involve the Suuu spending time lying on grass surrounded by plants. They may spend some time napping, or just watching the comings and goings of the insects and birds in the garden. They use this solitary time to recharge their social batteries.

Burrow Stays

Burrows are available across Succeed for Suuu to rest in. A Burrow Stay is between 2 and 12 weeks and involves a Suuu settling into a small space big enough for them to lie in and surrounded by dirt. Here they'll sleep and spend time recuperating from the stresses of the world
  These are the two most common solitary practices, and as a result there is a substantial business in gardens and burrows across Succeed.  

Food and Treats



The Snassssu is a traditional courtship dish within Suuu culture.   The courter selects delicacies and prepares them on a plate or tray for the courtee. Traditionally this includes two matching beetles or other insects which indicates their intention to enter into a sexual relationship with them.  
Succeed | Snack | Affordable

Praskar’s Breast

The Praskar’s Breast is a common dish in the islands of the northern hemisphere of Succeed, where the Praskar is particularly common.   The dish is prepared by plucking the bird, soaking it for several days in a mix of oils, herbs and spices, before then roasting it over the fire. While this cooks the whole bird, the breast is considered the best and most succulent part.  
Succeed | Main | Affordable

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Organisations Peacekeeper Alliance, Victalis Command
Locations Peacekeeper Territories, The Victalis System, Succeed
75 years
Average Height
5ft 7in
Average Weight
Related Materials


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Jan 1, 2024 22:31 by Ephraïm Boateng

The garden rests sound about what i need right now lol. Great article and cool species!

Jan 2, 2024 07:54 by Elspeth

Right? I'm totally with you on the garden rest! Thank you! They're based on the blue tongue skink, with some additional twists. :D

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