
"The Vkan are an interesting people. A little jumpy, if you'll pardon the pun, but interesting. They have the minds of problem-solvers, and are one of the most adaptive species within the Peacekeeper Territories. They'd have to be on a planet like this."  
— Extract from Travelling To Victory: An Exploration of Victalis System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly  

Adaptive Species

  The Vkan are known across the Peacekeeper Territories for their ability to adapt and change based on whatever hardship is thrown at them. This reputation is well earned, but has spread the way that it has because of the way they picked up the technologies offered by the Peacekeepers in the form of artifical arms and other appendages.


The Vkan are not actually called the Vkan. In their own language their people are known by a series of squeaks and vibrations which translates to something like "sandwalkers". However, as part of their agreement with the Peacekeepers, their name was changed to something more palatable to those who speak with tongues and not vibrations.   The Peacekeepers chose Vkan because it lined up with their renaming of the planet to Victory.

Basic Information


The Vkan are a naturally armless species, with long legs and tails which are designed to allow them to balance and jump great distances across the many deserts of Victor. They have fur which covers the majority of their body, including their large feet which allow them to travel quickly across the sands. Their feet have flexible toes, which allow them to pick things up and are what they use to interact with the world around them.   They have large ears and senstive noses to allow them to better pick out details on the desert and often desolate landscapes they call home. Their eyes are also large to allow for them to better see when living underground, which is where a lot of them live. These eyes have both internal and external lids, adapted for better protecting these delicate sensory organs from the harsh sun and even more dangerous sands.  

Murmurs of the World

The Vkan communicate using vibrations that are picked up by their feet when they are at close range, or by their ears for longer distances. Their ears are extremely sensitive and it's said that they can hear a pin drop on the sands over two miles away.   Because of this method of communication, they are particularly attuned to the movements and changes happening on their planet. These changes, like tectonic shifts, are referred to by the Vkan as "murmurs of the world", and some believe these murmurs contain prophetic messages.

Genetics and Reproduction

Vkan are mammels and generally have litters of between two and five children at a time, but usually three. The pregnancy lasts approximately 5 and a half months. They are born without their hind legs, which grow in over the course of the first year. And it's a further three years until they are able to jump and traverse the sands the way that adults are able to.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

  In their native tongue, the Vkan have strong naming conventions which dictate the number of squeaks and resonance of the vibrations allowed in a name, but since becoming part of The Alliance, they have been forced to adopt "appropriate" names as well, which can be more easily verbalised.
"I learned early on to not ask a Vkan for their real name. They rumble and squeak at you and the conversation dies there."  
— by Peacekeeper V'Kly

Major Organizations

The Victalis Command represents the wants of the Vkan along with other species in The Victalis System within the Peacekeeper Alliance.   Within the Vkan there are two major factions (and approximately 7,350 minor factions within them), known colloquially as the "Blue Dreamers" and the "Deep Breathers".  

Blue Dreamers

  • Prefer to spend time above ground
  • Live mostly in the southern areas of Victor
  • Reputation for being forward thinking
  • Considered proactive

Deep Breathers

  • Prefer to spend time below ground
  • Live mostly in the northern areas of Victor
  • Reputation for being focused on tradition
  • Considered staid and reactive


The Vkan were first "discovered" by the Peacekeepers on 19 Four 2837 PT, but they didn't become part of the Peacekeeper Alliance until 24 Three 3583 PT, when the Peacekeepers realised the benefit of having them as part of The Alliance.   The Vkan were fascinated by the technology that the Peacekeepers were able to offer and, within a year of becoming part of The Alliance, 86% of the population of the planet had at least one modification, most commonly arms but some were other appendages.

Related Articles

Organisations Peacekeeper Alliance, Victalis Command
Locations Peacekeeper Territories, The Victalis System, Victor
70 - 75 years
Average Height
4ft 7in
Average Weight
80 lbs
Related Materials


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