
"When I left the P'Ache Solar System - which is a whole other story - I didn't think anything could make me miss the damp of P'Ache Micro. Landing on Victor made me realise I was wrong.   Victor is hot and it is dry.   No, that is not specific enough. It is too hot and too dry. It is little wonder that the intelligent lifeforms on this sandy rock spend most of their time under the ground, away from the stifling heat and tempestuous winds."  
— Extract from Travelling To Victory: An Exploration of Victalis System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly  
Victor is the home of the Vkan, who became part of the Peacekeeper Alliance in 3583 PT. It is represented by Victalis Command within the Alliance, alongside the other planets of this solar system.   The Vkan take special care of Victor, and believe the planet speaks to them through the vibrations of the tectonic plates, which is how they traditionally communicate with each other.


Victor is the name which was given to the planet by the Peacekeeper Alliance when it became part of Peacekeeper Territories.   After issues with planets in The Primary Territories, Peacekeeper policy was to rename the planets which it brought into the fold. The planets within the Victalis System were all given names that brought with them a sense of victory. As Victor was the first of the planets to join from this system, it was named accordingly.


Victor sits within The Victalis System, and is the planet whose orbit passes closest to the sun at its centre, known within Peacekeeper Community as Victal. As a result, Victor is the hottest planet in this solar system, and is actually one of the hottest in the Peacekeeper Territories.   The surface of the planet is 45% water and 55% land. It is made up of 214 tectonic plates, 17 major and 197 minor, which move against each other as the planet rotates on its axis. There are 17 continents with a total of 23 major land masses. These land masses are predominantly sandy deserts, with some rocky more mountainous areas.   The seas and oceans are extremely salty owing to high evaporation and low precipitation and no significant rivers or streams drain into them. They also contain a unique bacteria which makes consumption of this water extremely toxic to most life forms.

Natural Resources

The bacteria in the ocean was identified by the Peacekeepers as being effective at breaking down specific enzymes which are used in the creation of the metals and other minerals used for many Peacekeeper technologies. The discovery of this bacteria allowed them to expedite the development of these technologies and have since allowed great technological strides in terms of what these technologies can do.


Before the Peacekeepers arrived, the Vkan had lived in harmony with the planet (if not with each other) for millennia. They built a complex cave system underneath the sands which allowed them to avoid the sun and access the underground rivers and pools.   Around 2837 PT, the Peacekeepers landed on the planet and did a small amount of trading with the Vkan. They visited sporadically over the following centuries, until in 3462 PT they discovered the bacteria in the oceans and their visits to the planet became more regular. From 3475 PT until 3512 PT the Peacekeepers had an almost constant presence on the planet, fluxuating from fewer than ten people all the way up to several hundred people at a time.   In 3552 PT, the Peacekeepers began making a concerted effort to unite the factions of Vkan living on Victor and encourage the people to join the Peacekeeper Alliance, which they did in 3583 PT. It was on this date, this planet officially became known as Victor.

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People Vkan, Peacekeeper
Organisations Peacekeeper Alliance, Victalis Command
Locations Peacekeeper Territories, The Victalis System
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