Coral District

The Coral District is home to sea elves. It's one of the oldest parts of the city, second only to the shah's palace. The district is quite beautiful, designed as it was to remind the sea elves of their lost underwater homes. As its name hints, most of the buildings are built from living coral, winding towards the dome in unusual shapes. To keep the coral from dying and turning birttle, the elves must regularlry douse it in water, so the streets of the district are usually sopping wet.
The sea elves were the first race that sought permission from the marids to settle in the City of Glass. The original colonists were cast out of sea elf society because they insisted on interacting with other races ( even trading for profit ). They were accused of having human blood—or worse, of having been corrupted by malenti, sahuagin throwbacks that resemble sea elves. Such stains on their honor were intolerable, so they left to find a new home under the leadership of the merchant Meladril. The shah of P’unkar, as the city was then known, was only too happy to offer the renegades sanctuary. A group of hard workers experienced in trade was quite an asset, and the elves paid well for the favor.

The sea elves thrived in the City of Glass and have turned the Coral District into a bustling hub of trade and commerce. Although the original settlers were part of one band, several merchant houses now divide control of the district between them. They compete keenly for business but save the really rough stuff for rival races. They’ve found it best to present a unified front despite their own disputes.

In the early years of the Coral District, most of the settlers made constant use of spells that allowed air breathing and took frequent swims. Within two generations, however, children were born who could breathe both air and water. Mages speculate that constant exposure to magic caused the change, or perhaps a heritage of contact with their landbound kindred. Whatever the cause, by the third generation, all newborn sea elves of the city could breathe air and were equally at home on the streets and in the water. This only increased the populations’ estrangement from others of their race, who began referring to them as remalli (an unpleasant word that roughly translates to “deceived by evil”).  

Coral Watch

The watch in the Coral District are a suspicious and xenophobic bunch - even more than usual - since nearly every crime in the district is commited by members of other races. They're particularly suspicious of other elves, for the nearby sahuagin district means the ever-present possibility of malenti infiltration. Elves of the watch try to ensure that only legitimate merchants and other professionals enter the district. They also closely guard the gates within the lead to other planes, since these are their main source of livehood.

The captain of the watch is a bold warrior named Elefal. She bears a grudge against the sahuagin far beyond the normal hatred held by others of her race. Though she won't speak of the reason, the commonly accepted story is that she lost her only sister to a raid by the sea devils. Elefal's state of mind is a continual concern for the merchant houses. So far she's kept her temper under control, but Caradil fears her attitude will cause trouble in the district sooner or later.
Sea elf patrols are composed of one sergeant and five wardens, at least one of whom is a seasoned warrior. There are a dozen patrols in all. They're typically armed with trident and net, preferring to capture crimianls rather than kill them.    

The Steelcross Duelists

If House Meladril is responsible for the sea elves' prosperity, the Steelcross Duelists are responsible for their honor. The sea elf version of a gang, the Duelists represent the ultimate adaptation to city life: a well-educated group of patriots who train relentlessly with the rapier. The group takes its name from the first fencing school founded in the Coral District, and the gang's activities still center around it.
The fencing masters instill pride, discipline, and skill in their young charges, impressing on them the superiority of their culture; as a result, small groups of students band together and challenge all comers. They take it upon themselves to avenge any slight to the elven race, be it real or imagined. While the Duelists aren't under the direct control of House Meladril, Caradil easily manipulates them when he requires their aid. The merest hint that the honor of their race has been besmirched sends these elven hotheads out the door with steel drawn.
Members of the group are easily recognized by their dueling scars as each receives at least one mark on the face as a rite of entry and simple steel crosses they wear pinned to their tunics. They are also the only group of sea elves to ignore the traditional weapons of spear and trident for the more city-friendly rapier. Their current leader is a truculent swordsmaster named Thoniel. He's led the Duelists in several clashes against the Sea Devils gang and is itching for more action with the sahuagin gladiators.    

What to Buy

Coral Amulets

Beautiful jewelry made from living coral that changes color with the wearer's mood, said to have protective qualities.

Rapier of the Duelist

A finely crafted rapier, balanced perfectly for dueling, with a hilt fashioned from coral and inlaid with pearls.

Sea Silk Robes

Garments woven from the silk of underwater creatures, prized for their shimmering beauty and water-resistant properties.

Bioluminescent Lanterns

Portable lights containing bioluminescent algae, providing a soft, natural glow without heat.   Dueling Lessons Instruction in the art of dueling with the rapier, taught by experienced members of the Steelcross Duelists.

Coral Sculpting

Commission a sea elf artisan to grow and sculpt a piece of living coral into a unique work of art for your home or garden.

Underwater Guided Tours

Explore the wonders beneath the waves with an expert guide, including visits to underwater gardens and ruins.

Seafood Culinary Experience

Enjoy a multi-course meal at The Wandering Minstrel, featuring exotic dishes prepared from the freshest deep-sea ingredients.

Points of interest

The Dueling Ground

While most street gangs of the City of Glass take their fights anywhere, the Steelcross Duelists adhere to a formal dueling code. In theory, a duel may take place in any location, in practice, it's often conducted in the Dueling Ground, a "full service" entertainment establishment. The owner of the place ( Galatil ) recognize the potential business opportunity in providing a proper salle á manger (prostory) for both participants and spectators. A lengthy bar wraps about three walls, with tables and chairs set against it. In the center of the main room is a roped-off area where the fencing contests are held. Customers pay generously to watch duels ( some to the death ) in the evenings, but by day some of the fenders use this space for practice.

The Spire

The tower of House Meladril is known as The Spire. It soars above all the other buildings in the Coral District, through it maintains the distinctive sea elf architecture, twisting gracefully toward the dome. What's unusual is that the Spire's coral was grown over a structure of thick stone quarried off-world. The living coral, while beautiful, only provides a decorative casing for the true tower.  

The Wandering Minstrel

The Wandering Minstrel is a sea elf institution, a fine restaurant serving the delicacies of the sea. The scions of the various houses meet here routinely to discuss business or other issues of pressing importance to the sea elf community; debate rages over sea-dragon omelets and steamed kraken with kelp. It's literally an integral part of the Coral District: a cave within the living coral reef from which grow the neighborhood's buildings. It is expensive and exclusive, catering specifically to the district's merchants. Outsiders are not welcome and can dine here only if accompanied by a regular.
Inhabitants: Sea elves
Business: Trading, Entertainment
Major House: House Meladril
Councilor: Ceradil
Watch Captain: Elefal Izumi
Gang: Steelcross Duelists

Location under


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