Jewelers' District

The halflings of the City of Glass are nearly all Stouts, who came to the city once the dwarves began to mine the Quasielemental Plane of Mineral. Buildings here are similar in style and material to those in the Ale District, though of course more with an eye to easy and comfort. These make considerable use of glass windows, often colored or artfully faceted.
Halfling jewelers from all over flocked here to take advantage of the incredibly fine raw materials the dwarves were bringing back. They settled next door to their dwarven friends, and jewelry shops sprang up by the dozen. Although other businesses arose to support the halfling community, jewelers still predominate. Another area of halfling expertise is the law. Justice in the City of Glass is hit-and-miss, since it's a mercenary place whose first rule is "whatever you can get away with"-most of the time, the watches take the law into their own hands. (The gangs often take on a little extralegal activity as well.) The halflings realized there was a place for skilled legal practitioners in a city where the letter of the law (let alone the spirit) was so rarely enforced. So they opened the only law school of the Inner Planes here about a hundred years ago, and its graduates command the highest rates. Halfling lawyers congregate about the courthouse in Drake's End (see below) and have close professional ties to the half-dragon judges.  

Jewelers' Watch

The halflings know that their reputation as fine jewelers can't help but attract thieves. They've managed to keep theft to a minimum through two strategies. First, the streets and buildings of the Jewelers' District are confining to larger races. While humans and elves can navigate the district, they find it small and difficult to maneuver in. This design helps the watch corner and subdue criminals, offering great opportunities to use missile weapons and set up ambushes.

The second strategy lies in the disposition of the watch. While most districts are policed by a few good-sized patrols, the halflings disperse their warders in many pairs. That way, no one group is very far from another, and when trouble arises, reinforcements can arrive quickly. This also prevents easy diversion of the watch. The warders all know a special code of whistles to send messages, specifying the nature of the problem and the required assistance. There are twenty-four pairs of warders in all. The watch captain is Kerl Sharpeye, a distant cousin of Max. An excellent tactician who knows the district intimately, Kerl treats her people well, and they're unswervingly loyal to her.  

The Bushwhackers

The Bushwhackers are the district gang, who do House Sharpeye's dirty work. Originally a ring of thieves operating out of the Jewelers' District, the Bushwhackers were caught by the watch and brought before Max Sharpeye. Max offered them a choice: jail or work. The thieves continue to burgle and pick pockets, but only in locales designated by Max, who may also ask for a special task from time to time. Thus House Sharpeye puts covert pressure on competing houses by causing unexpected losses in money and wares.

As their name implies, the Bushwhackers never face rival gangs in straight-up fights but prefer to attack from a well-defended position with surprise. Fools deride them with accusations of cowardice, but the diminutive halflings know their strengths and play to them. No one underestimates the Bushwhackers twice. The leader of the gang is an unusually slim halfling named Bebe [BEE-bee]. Rarely seen but always deadly, Bebe controls the gang with quiet authority.  

What To Buy

Custom Gem Cutting

Precision services for shaping and enhancing the natural beauty of gems, tailored to the client's specifications.

Legal Consultations

Access to skilled halfling lawyers for advice on trade laws, contract disputes, and other legal matters within the City of Glass.

Artisan Jewelry Crafting

Commission unique, handcrafted jewelry pieces made with rare materials sourced from the Quasielemental Plane of Mineral.

Estate Value and Management

Professional assessment and management services for handling estates, including appraisal of jewelry and legal support for wills and inheritances.

Magical Gem Infusion

A service that imbues gems with magical properties, ranging from simple light spells to more complex enchantments for protection or health.

Trademark Registration

Assistance in registering and protecting trademarks for businesses and products, a vital service in a mercantile city.

Jewelry Repair and Restoration

Expert restoration services for damaged or antique jewelry, restoring them to their original glory or updating them with a contemporary twist.

Moot Court Experience

An educational service offering the chance to participate in simulated court proceedings, ideal for students of law and those interested in legal training.

Legal Document Drafting

Crafting of binding contracts, trade agreements, and other legal documents, ensuring clarity, fairness, and enforceability within the City of Glass's diverse legal environment.

Points of interest

The Watchtower

The Watchtower is the center of House Sharpeye's power. Built with the aid of the dwarves, it's a tall, sturdy structure made of limestone with a wooden facing. Max Sharpeye's predecessor was strangely obsessed with the idea of seeing the whole city. Reportedly, he spent hours at the top of the tower, scanning the city for "threats" while contemplating business deals. Max feels no such need, but the watch (and sometimes even the Bushwhackers, surreptitiously) make good use of the high vantage point.  

Hoffer's Emporium

The Hoffers are another halfling family with a long history in the City of Glass. Also jewelers, they've never been interested in political power but concentrate on expertise in their craft. Hoffer's Emporium is one of the largest jewelry shops in the city. The shop is run by Rolf Hoffer, the patriarch of the house (N male halfling T2), and is staffed by his extended family. Its artisans make pieces to order and fix and reset old jewelry. They are known for their honesty and skill with detail work. They also offer free evaluation and of course buy gems and jewelry (at 40 to 70 percent of suggested value) and sell (at 80 to 150 percent).  

The Scales Academy

This is the only school of law to be found on the Inner Planes, and one of the finest anywhere. The university complex is a group of six buildings around a central courtyard filled with potted plants and ice sculptures. The Scales is renowned for its academic excellence, and professors teach through example with many debates and presentations in moot court. Postgraduate students gain real-life experience in the law by staffing storefront offices that provide advice on simple or petty legal matters for a fee, of course, but a reduced one. Senior and graduate-level students are a common sight around the courthouse in Drake's End, scribbling notes and following the robed attorneys through its halls. The academy offers classes in other traditional halfling interests: philosophy, literature, history, and jewelry crafts, such as gemcutting and goldsmithing. However, these are supplemental to its main curriculum and are not given the in-depth treatment found in institutions specializing in those fields.
Inhabitants: Halflings 
Business: Jewelry, law 
Major House: House Sharpeye  
Councilor: Max Sharpeye 
Watch Captain: Kerl Sharpeye 
Gang: The Bushwhackers

Location under


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