Frostwild of Hrafnsvik

The Frostwild of Hrafnsvik is a loose confederation of giant tribes inhabiting the Hrafnsvik mountains. Unlike their more savage cousins in the Cursed Mountains, the giants of Hrafnsvik have developed a semi-civilized society with complex tribal structures, rudimentary diplomacy, and a degree of interaction with the human kingdoms to their north and south.  


  • Each tribe maintains its own warriors, but can be called upon by the Rimearch in times of need
  • Giants often employ trained beasts like mammoths and winter wolves in battle
  • Some tribes have mastered elemental magic, particularly those related to ice and stone


  • Governed by a council of tribal chieftains, each representing their respective clans
  • Led by a Rimearch, chosen from among the chieftains for a term of 10 winters
  • Divided into 5-7 major tribes, each controlling different territories within Hrafnsvik


  • Strong emphasis on ancestral traditions and oral history
  • Reverence for the mountains and the primal forces of nature
  • Complex system of honor and obligation governing inter-tribal relations


  • The Great Frost Pact. A historic agreement with northern human kingdoms establishing current borders
  • The Raising of Jarnhall. A feat of giant engineering and magic, creating their impenetrable capital
  • The Taming of the Winter Wyrm. A legendary event where giants domesticated a white dragon

Foreign Relations

  • Tense but occasionally cooperative relationship with the Thanedom of Rimegard
  • Limited trade relations with the Kingdom of Myredonia to the south
  • Ongoing conflicts with more aggressive giant clans from the Cursed Mountains

Trade & Transport

  • Trade in rare ores and gems found only in the deepest mountains
  • Crafting of giant-sized weapons and armor, some of which are traded to human kingdoms
  • Ice harvesting from ancient glaciers, prized for its purity and magical properties
6,500 square miles 
Political, Confederation
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Articles under Frostwild of Hrafnsvik


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