Rimearch Thrarnaum

Thrarnaum stands at 18 feet tall, with skin the color of granite flecked with veins of silver. His eyes are deep-set and dark, like caverns in a cliff face. His body is adorned with intricate tattoos depicting the history of Hrafnsvik, and he wears minimal armor made of expertly carved stone.  

Legendary Abilities

  • Exceptional strength and durability, even for a stone giant
  • Ability to shape stone and rock with his bare hands
  • Master of earth-based magic and giant runes
  • Skilled diplomat, able to mediate between different giant clans

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thrarnaum rose to power not through conquest, but through his wisdom and ability to unite the diverse giant clans of Hrafnsvik. He was chosen as Rimearch for his balanced leadership and deep understanding of giant lore.


  • The Great Concord. Brokered a lasting peace between the frost, stone, and hill giant clans of Hrafnsvik
  • The Raising of the Stone Sentinels. Created a network of massive stone guardians to protect Hrafnsvik's borders
  • The Earth Heart Pact. Established limited trade relations with human kingdoms, focusing on rare minerals and stonecraft
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
124 444 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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