
Jarnhall, meaning "Iron Hall" in the giant tongue, is a marvel of giant engineering and magic. Carved into and built around the largest peak in Hrafnsvik, it serves as the capital and central meeting place for all giant clans in the region.  

Notable Features

  • The Great Cavern. A massive central hall carved inside the mountain, large enough to host gatherings of hundreds of giants
  • The Sky Bridges. A network of stone bridges connecting various parts of the city, some spanning across dizzying chasms
  • The Runestone Circle. A sacred site where the most important decisions are made and rituals performed


Jarnhall showcases the diverse building styles of different giant types:
  • Frost giant ice palaces on the higher, colder levels
  • Stone giant cavern complexes expertly carved into the mountain's core
  • Hill giant wooden structures built on vast terraces cut into the mountainside
Alternative Name(s)
Iron Hall
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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