Hersir Astrid Ishav

Hersir Astrid Ishav, known as the "Frostfang of Trollvik," rules the coastal town of Trollvik in the Frostwild of Villitunturi. Her assignment to this harsh, sea-battered outpost serves as punishment for her role in a failed naval campaign, but she has embraced the challenge with typical orcish tenacity. Astrid's fall from grace came after a disastrous attempt to establish a naval presence in southern waters, resulting in the loss of several ships and many lives. Her exile to Trollvik, a town constantly battling both the sea and monstrous threats, is seen as a fitting punishment for her naval failures.  

Notable Achievements

  • Revolutionized Trollvik's ice-breaking ship designs, greatly improving the town's fishing and trading capabilities
  • Established the "Frostbeard Whalers' Guild," turning whale hunting into a cornerstone of the local economy
  • Implemented a unique system of ice-forged warning beacons along the coast, enhancing the town's defenses against sea-borne threats
Current Location
Year of Birth
291 29 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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