
Trollvik, known as the "Ice Harbor," is a resilient coastal city in the Frostwild of Villitunturi. Nestled between towering cliffs and the frigid waters of the Endless Ocean, Trollvik has carved out a niche as a hub for ice fishing, whaling, and arctic exploration.


  • Natural fjord walls providing shelter from sea storms and potential invasions
  • The Frostbite Watchtowers. A series of lookout points equipped with ballistas and magical ice-forged weapons
  • The Rime Guard. Elite warriors trained in both naval and ice combat

Industry & Trade

  • Major Exports. Whale oil, ice sculptures, exotic fish, enchanted ice
  • Major Imports. Timber, metal goods, grains, textiles


  • Ice-breaking ships specially designed for arctic waters
  • Heated docks using geothermal energy to prevent freezing
  • Underground ice cellars for food storage and ice magic research


  • The Frozen Helm. A massive ice sculpture of a helm that serves as the city's protective ward
  • The Whalesong Hall. A grand meeting place built from the bones of legendary sea beasts
  • The Glacial Forges. Workshops where ice mages create magical items

Guilds and Factions

  • The Frostbeard Whalers' Guild
  • The Glacial Artificers' Union
  • Trollvik Explorers' Society


  • Whale watching expeditions
  • Ice sculpture gardens with ever-changing displays
  • The Midwinter Dive: A festival where brave (or foolish) individuals plunge into the icy sea

Natural Resources

  • Various fish and sea creatures
  • Whale products (oil, bone, meat)
  • Magical ice from ancient glaciers
Alternative Name(s)
Ice Harbor
Large city
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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