Vezir (Veh-zeer)


Proven Wisdom and Experience

Prospective Vezirs must demonstrate a deep understanding of political intricacies, historical contexts, and social dynamics. Experience in high-ranking administrative roles or diplomatic service is highly valued.  

Outstanding Leadership

Vezirs are expected to exhibit strong leadership qualities, the ability to make sound decisions, and a track record of successful governance.  

Academic Acumen

Many Vezirs are scholars well-versed in law, political theory, economics, and other relevant disciplines. Academic achievements and continuous learning are often regarded as essential qualifications.  

Moral Integrity

The role of a Vezir involves immense responsibility and trust. A candidate's moral integrity, honesty, and commitment to serving the greater good are paramount.  

Political Savvy

Vezirs must be astute strategists and adept at navigating complex political landscapes, both within the noble court and among other nations.  

Exceptional Oratory Skills

Strong communication and negotiation abilities are crucial for a Vezir, as they represent the ruler in official capacities and communicate on their behalf.  

Loyalty and Trustworthiness

Trust between the Vezir and the ruler is fundamental. Candidates must be loyal, dedicated, and willing to place the realm's interests above personal ambitions.  

Demonstrated Service

 Candidates who have a proven record of service to the realm, either in military or civic roles, are often viewed favorably.


Only Amir  might name another Vezir or any rank above Amir might choose subordinate Amir and order it.


As the esteemed Vezir, the incumbent assumes multifaceted duties crucial to the realm's governance and prosperity. First and foremost, the Vezir serves as the trusted advisor and confidant to the ruling authority, providing sage counsel on matters of statecraft, diplomacy, and policy. They oversee the administration of the realm, ensuring efficient governance and the implementation of the ruler's decrees. Diplomatic negotiations with foreign nations and alliances also fall within the purview of the Vezir, fostering diplomatic relations and safeguarding the realm's interests. Additionally, the Vezir is responsible for the allocation of resources, supervising public works, and addressing the concerns of the citizenry, striving to maintain harmony and stability throughout the realm. Their unwavering loyalty and dedication to the ruler's vision solidify their pivotal role as the realm's foremost advisor and steward of its welfare.


As the esteemed Vezir, one enjoys a host of significant benefits and privileges that come with the prestigious position. Holding regular private audiences with the ruler, the Vezir gains direct access to discuss important matters, present counsel, and influence decisions. Occupying a respected and revered position within the realm, the Vezir garners admiration and deference from nobles and commoners alike. They wield considerable political influence, shaping policies and advocating for causes they deem vital. The title carries considerable prestige, and their words and actions hold significant weight in matters of governance and diplomacy. These benefits, alongside access to resources, wealth, and sensitive information, empower the Vezir to fulfill their role effectively and support the realm's prosperity and stability.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
Equates to
Length of Term
10 years
Reports directly to
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