Rimearch Agnor

Agnor is an awe-inspiring figure, standing at 28 feet tall. His muscular frame is covered in scars from countless battles. His steel-gray skin crackles with barely contained electrical energy, and his eyes glow with an intense, lightning-blue light. He wears armor crafted from the bones of defeated enemies and wields a massive warhammer that doubles as a conduit for his lightning powers.  

Legendary Abilities

  • Unparalleled mastery over storms and lightning
  • Exceptional physical strength and combat prowess
  • Genius-level tactical and strategic mind
  • Powerful storm giant magic, enhanced by artifacts he's collected in his conquests

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Agnor rose from relative obscurity to become the most feared conqueror in Villitunturi's history. He has systematically defeated and subjugated every clan and faction that stood against him, unifying the traditionally chaotic realm under his iron fist.


  • The Lightning Blitz. A series of rapid conquests that saw him defeat 12 rival giant clans in as many days
  • The Taming of the Tempest. Harnessed a perpetual magical storm as a weapon of mass destruction
  • The Grand Unification. Brought all major factions in Villitunturi under his control, creating a formidable army
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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