Session VII: The Prophecy

General Summary


Adventurers arrived to the city of prophets - Venoth'ziscah.
They also met their companion Lady Kai, who splitted from the party and was teleported to the city by Khalid ibn Nar as favor for completing Trial of Fire.  

Echoes from the Void

They've visited library named The Whispering Tomes and found there a book named Echoes from the Void. This book was unreadable as words were randomly rearranged. 
Kai touched the book with their Timestone and got pulled in the book itself. Few moments after other members did the same. 
They found themself in strange location where everything looked dark and slightly purple with silluetes as draw from ink.
  They wondered through this landscape to find monsters they have never seen before and never heard about them. They always attacked them on sight and seem somehow mad or insane.  
-Voidling, lesser monster from the Void
  They found also guarded and locked location with mysterious pocket where Lady Kai put her hand. This allowed her to take out anything she desires - she took a belt to empower her, however the cost was that her body can't withstand as many. This trade-off also changed her right eye to purple color.  


Then they found large crystal imprisoning a man within temple in the center of the landscape. 
When they showed him the Timestone he immediately attacked them with some ink-like elementals.
When they defeated him and all his ink-elementals, they used Timestone to return the place in time, restoring the book and seeing the entire process how this place got corrupted.  

Breathing Mountains

The next stop was temple of Sslythavians in Breathing Mountains. 
After exhausting traveling through snowy mountains and walking through snow, they found the temple. 
They've managed to start an avalanche which they managed to survive.
Dorn took a little bit different strategy, he conjured sledge and started to ride down, which almost turn fatal for him as he was unable to stop them.


They entered the temple of Sslythavians and were met by one of the Eternal Prophets, who told them there is no prophecy for them as it was stollen. 
  They offered them if they bring the prophecy, they can translate it for them - they aggreed and found out that the cult holding the prophecy were Yuan-Ti. 
They managed to kill them all, but it was very close call as advantage of suprise were gone because of unlucky stone that Darian kicked. 
  When they presented the scroll to the Eternal Prophets they translated it and presented them with a wording:
V závoji věků se šeptá o stínu, jenž povstane z písku. Vizí plná, nazývá se 'Maw of Doom', stvůra mnoha jmen, avšak bez pravého jména. V jejím spánku tkví tisíciletí, čekajíc na čas, kdy přijde pohltit světy, města i duše.   V kruhu osudů se točí příběhy cest neznámých. Mluví se o stínovém průvodci, jehož jméno je utkáno v mlčení, vedoucího do krajin neviděných. Ví se o hadím knězi, vládci za oponou, který ukáže cestu do zlatých ruin, z niž stále stoupá kouř. A šepot větrů přináší slova o osobě se smlouvou s pekelnými hlubinami, vzdálené cesty do světa, kde vlny jsou věčné.   Nic není jisté, avšak vše je možné. V tajemství se skrývá klíč, v rukou těch, kteří hledají, co bylo ztraceno. Neboť ve znameních a hvězdách je psáno, že osud říší visí na vlásku, čekajíc na odvážné, kteří se postaví stvůře a odhalí pravdu skrytou v písku.
  Adventurers weren't sure to whom this prophecy points and were offered to ask the authors of this prophecy three questions. Lady Kai took this chance and asked them, finally confirming that two man from their prophecies are Rashid Al-Najjar and Leader of Burning Spiders. They were sure that the third one is Amir Azraq. Prophets then offered them way down, back to the city.  
-Eternal Prophet Duazad

Mother's Guidance

Kai was lost on her path as nothing showed where the artifact of her people should be and couldn't get any closer. She asked her mother for guidance through her medailion. Mother told her to look at the Plane of Water for related member to her family as he is the one who knew how the artifact looks, which could be first of many leads. She also asked where she can find Captain Kasar. 
After a while Captain Assut Kasar knocked on the door and had short conversation with Kai, telling her how he can transport her to Plane of Water and that he could provide qualified guidance.   Terrible Dreams After this they went to sleep but none of them had good night. All had terrible dreams refferencing someone from their past doing terrible things to them or someone they know. 
They weren't sure if this was some kind of nightmare, dream or prophecy but they were sure that this wasn't just a plain dream.  


Then they voted which character from their prophecy are they going to use. When they started voting, Timestone activated and presented them with three similar choices as in Dakhmir's nest. 
They've choosen to go with Leader of Burning Spiders and continue their path in Underdark.


Start: 37th of Sydesar 
End: 40th of Sydesar
Rising from the Sand
Zhaun'dra Dorn'usin
Kailani Cordelia Izumi
Darian Thenerese
Borygen Thul
Report Date
02 Dec 2023
Primary Location


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