The Stormcaller's Spire

The Stormcaller's Spire is a slender, spiraling tower standing 200 feet tall. Its surface is covered in intricate runes and weather vanes that constantly shift and adjust. The spire changes color based on weather patterns, visible from most parts of the city. Home to the Stormcallers, a group of specialized weather mages who predict and influence local weather patterns, crucial for maritime activities. The Stormcallers are highly respected in Jotunheim. Their work is vital for the city's maritime economy and safety. The changing colors of the spire serve as a public weather forecast for the citizens.  


  • Observatory Deck. The top level, equipped with magical instruments for weather divination.
  • Elemental Chambers. Rooms dedicated to each type of weather, used for focused spellcasting.
  • The Calm Center. A meditation room at the heart of the spire, used for centering and long-range forecasting.


  • Weather Prediction. Accurate forecasts up to a week in advance.
  • Limited Weather Control. Ability to calm small storms or create favorable winds for ships leaving the harbor.
  • Emergency Intervention. In cases of severe weather threats, the Stormcallers can combine their powers to divert or weaken major storms.

Training & Membership

Becoming a Stormcaller requires years of study in both meteorology and specialized weather magic. Members are chosen for their magical aptitude and deep connection to natural forces. 
Stormcallers are using political alliance with Kingdom of Numeria to study in their towers.
Observatory / Telescope
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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