Kitty Storm

Kitty Storm is a Catfolk reporter for the Undergazette. She is the main reporter investigating the Beastfolk Disappearances around the city.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Needleday, Tinkermoon, 1313
Kitty was undercover in Barker's Menagerie when the gnolls who worked there revolted against Barker and Victor Dargent. After dealing with the gnolls, Kitty stuck around and helped Connie Furr and Lindie Asklepa free all the imprisoned animalfolk while Hugo Dargent kept his brother distracted.
Hugo gave her the evidence he found detailing Vizier Djann Carterhold's arrangment with the Lord Captain Emissary to supply him with a recurring order of Mongrelfolk chattel slaves.
Current Status
Journalist for the Undergazette
Heterochromia: one gold eye and one green eye.
5 ft. 5 inches (5 ft. 7 inches)
Aligned Organization

Has encountered Hugo Dargent in Human form.