
The favoured weapon of the Thief, a kukri's curved blade, about 1ft. in length, makes it more precise than a regular dagger.


Bloodcrystal Kukri

Bloodcrystal Kukri
The bloodcraving quartz of a bloodcrystal kukri is brittler than most weapons, but deals extra damage to already bleeding creatures as it drains blood from their wound. Because it is so much easier to sunder than most weapons, blood crystal is rarely useful for wielders who expect the opponent to survive the hit. So, although slightly more deadly to already bleeding creatures, weapons made with blood crystal are uncommon, usually created for their alchemical interest than their value in warfare.
Lindie Asklepa carries a kukri made from bloodcrystal, that she lifted as a child from her mother's apothecary. Despite being only five years old when she first acquired the weapon, her adoptive father allowed her to keep this rare and deadly blade for protection on the mean streets of the Undercity.  

Sneaky Kukri

The favoured weapons of at least the minor nobility of House Underhand, a sneaky kukri allows the weilder to allows the wielder to designate a single foe within melee reach as their prey. This means that the sneak attack damage can be added to the next attack made against that foe, even if the target is not flanked or denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, as long as that attack is made before the end of the wielder’s next turn. If the wielder is a Rogue or Slayer with the hunter’s surprise talent, the sneaky kukri grants one additional use of that talent per day.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
2 lbs.
1 ft. (length)
Base Price
8 gp.
Associated Deity
The Thief

Kukri (Light Blade)

Small 1d3 ; Medium 1d4
Weapon Category
Light Melee
Weapon Type