Roland Charlemagne Spendthrift

Gentleman Roland Charlemagne Spendthrift

Roland Charlemagne Spendthrift was a Gentleman of the Honourable Company in the early days of the Company. He was their top negotiator with the Efreet slave lords on East Star where he had his own cooled office.

Personality Characteristics

Representation & Legacy

When he was alive, Spendthrift had a particularly dramatic oil painting of himself hanging in his magically cooled office in the City of Brass. The painting, called Venture, depicts Spendthrift standing upon a jutting out cliff looking out over the Sea of Fire on East Star. The dramatic scene was staged to look impressive, but in reality Spendthrift never actually conducted business outside the City of Brass.   A facsimile of the painting appears in the volume 10 of Carnegie’s Encyclopediæ of the Twenty Richest Individuals in History, which is about Spendthrift.

Wealth & Financial state

According to Carnegie’s Encyclopediæ, Spendthrift is the tenth richest individual in history. He is listed as having ammassed a great deal of wealth from working as a Company trader and from being bribed with gifts by various Efreet slave lords.
Current Status
Deceased; Former Gentleman of the Honourable Company
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
79 years old
Date of Birth
Mapday, Richmoon, 1210
Date of Death
Needleday, Soldiermoon, 1290
1210 1290 80 years old
Circumstances of Death
Old age.
Other Affiliations