Carnegie’s Encyclopediæ: The Twenty Richest Individuals in History (1312)

1st: Amira. Amira is number one. No-one has seen her. No species given. The Amira remains in her Court in the upper most levels of the city but deals with the Company through her agents – the Amira’s Chest and the Amira’s Hands and others. The Amira pursues a lifestyle of privacy so her exact birthdate and parentage is unknown but as the hereditary sovereign ruler, an estimate can be made for her wealth. Her wealth is the monetary value of the City itself.   2nd: Vathek the Unquenchable. Ancient male sorcerer noble from Wild Elf times.   3rd: Nahashta Serpentqueen. Ancient Sorceress noble from Wild Elf times. Female. Vizier-Queen.   4th: Balaam Abraxas. Non-noble Genie Binder. Balaam Abraxas. Male. Bound a genie. Mostly Wild Elf but also said to be part Suli. From way back in Wild Elf times.   5th: Beckett Kitchener. Kitchener is in the top 10 (maybe top 5). Kitchener’s wealth is in the Company itself. He is a majority shareholder. Only Governing Director at all on record. Born Goldday, Thiefmoon, 1215. He stole Palimpsest with his wealth. No mention of children or a wife. Says that he inherited his initial wealth from his father, Francis Kitchener. Officially the Honourable Company was founded in Goldday, Richmoon, 1232 (Wealthmas).   6th: Ambrose Shajara. Ambrose Shajara is somewhere between Kitchener and Richard.   7th: Gannister Brattice. Dwarven Vizier from an extinct family who was the noble in charge of mining before the human era. There were mines deep under the sands of the city that this Dwarven family owned and were in charge of. Around the middle. One above Richard. Vizier Gannister Brattice.   8th: Richard Dargent. Richard is a little further down the list. Actual figure for the estimated value of his entire estate. A lot tied up in Company investments (and other investments). Wealth is spread around.   9th: Melchett Lordliwise. Vizier Melchett Lordliwise. Goblin. Collecting things. Follower of the Brass.   10th: Roland Charlemagne Spendthrift. Was a company man. He was their top negotiator with the Efreeti, in the earlier days of the company. Amassed a great deal of wealth from working as a company trader and from being bribed with gifts by various Efreet slave lords and such.   11th: Thagobrind Zynx. Vizier Thagobrind Zynx. Gnome. Wealth obsession. Bit of a magitech bro for the purposes of monitising it. Area of concern: Innovation.   12th: Khephren of Palimpsest. Androsphinx. Accumulated wealth through tribute.   13th:   14th:   15th: Zaccheus Simony. Archdeacon of the Church of the Rich Man.   16th:   17th: Hurgbore Spoliator. . Bugbear. Plunder. Vizier. First of His Name.   18th: Kyropoulos Druse. Eccentric gnome collector of rare gems. Non-noble.   19th: Cavendish Mercer. Other Company Guy. While he had various official positions through his lifetime as various kinds of executive middleman and advisor and confident to the director. Reading between the lines, pretty sure he was a Company Man (note capitalisation).   20th: Jamasht Richhammer. Vizier. Orc who died in 1218. Last and greatest of the Richhammer noble line. Not in Peerage but only because extinct families are not included. He was pretty well respected. He was, in his day, the wealthiest noble. But he died without any living heir. His wealth was split amongst distant relatives. Born 1186. Became Vizier 1209. Died 1218. Unusually young to die – middle aged.
Carnegie's Encyclopediae Volume 1: The Twenty Richest Individuals in History
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