The Twenty Richest Individuals in History: Volume 10

Gentleman Roland Charlemagne Spendthrift

Previous Installment: Volume 9: Melchett Lordliwise
Next Installment: Volume 11: Thagobrind Zynx

Personal Details

Subject: Roland C. Spendthrift
Species: Human
Dates: 1210-1290

Financial Details

Ranking: 10
Wealth: Company salary and bribes from the Efreeti Slave Lords
Affiliation: The Honourable Company


Roland Charlemagne Spendthrift was a Gentleman of the Honourable Company in the early days of the Company. He was their top negotiator with the Efreet slave lords on East Star where he had his own cooled office in the City of Brass. He is listed as having ammassed his wealth from working as a Company trader and from being bribed with gifts by various Efreet slave lords.   The text includes a facsimile of the portrait Venture, which depicts Spendthrift standing upon a jutting out cliff looking out over the Sea of Fire on East Star. The dramatic scene was staged to look impressive, but in reality Spendthrift never actually conducted business outside the City of Brass.

Historical Details


Goldday, Thiefmoon, 1312
Subvizier Cassiopeia Stargazer-Greenskin gifted a copy of this set of encyclopedias to Subvizier Victor Dargent, with the hopes of fostering a better relationship with House Dargent. Published that year, Cassiopeia got Victor the encyclopedias before he had the chance to get a set for himself.
Needleday, Sailormoon, 1313
Victor's younger brother, Katib Hugo Dargent "borrowed" the encyclopedias from his brother's room and read them while he was waiting for his pet Bunbun, Connie Furr, to return from the Baharat Menagerie, where she was collecting his altered armour from Martini.
Carnegie's Encyclopediae Volume 10: The Twenty Richest Individuals in History
Study, Historical
Authoring Date
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