The Twenty Richest Individuals in History: Volume 4

Previous Installment: Volume 3: Nahashta Serpentqueen
Next Installment: Volume 5: Beckett Kitchener

Personal Details

Subject: Balaam Abraxas
Species: Wild Elf (part Suli)
Dates: Unknown; dragged out of material plane c.510

Financial Details

Ranking: 4
Wealth: Bound a genie and wished for wealth.
Affiliation: None.


Balaam Abraxas was a Wild Elven genie binder. He was a non-noble but said to have some Suli blood, which could account for his magical prowess. After binding a Genie in his magical lamp and wishing for wealth, Balaam was given the ability to turn anything he touched into gold - including part of his own face.

Historical Details


Goldday, Thiefmoon, 1312
Subvizier Cassiopeia Stargazer-Greenskin gifted a copy of this set of encyclopedias to Subvizier Victor Dargent, with the hopes of fostering a better relationship with House Dargent. Published that year, Cassiopeia got Victor the encyclopedias before he had the chance to get a set for himself.
Needleday, Sailormoon, 1313
Victor's younger brother, Katib Hugo Dargent "borrowed" the encyclopedias from his brother's room and read them while he was waiting for his pet Bunbun, Connie Furr, to return from the Baharat Menagerie, where she was collecting his altered armour from Martini.
Study, Historical
Authoring Date
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