Crypt of the Everflame Part 1

General Summary

Inva, Nels and Warful travelled to Falcon's Hollow to answer a cry for help. It seems that some villagers were sent to a crypt which holds traditional significance to the town, but they have disappeared. So the party has been hired to go find out what happened to them. After getting the rundown of what is expected of them, the party left the next morning, to the scattered cheers of a few villagers who came out to see them off.
A couple of hours out of town, following an old pilgrimage trail, the party was ambushed by a few orcs. With blows dealt on both sides, the party managed to eek out a win. That night, Nels found them a good campsite and they made the arduous climb onto a massive boulder to avoid the wolves they could hear howling nearby. That night they were attacked by wolves, but, thanks to how difficult it is for wolves to climb a boulder, they were able to deal with them handily. However, with a lack of healing supplies, the party was in dire straits at this point, so decided to spend the whole next day resting and healing. Luckily, they were not attacked. However, the skies opened up and it rained all that day.
It continued to rain the following day as they finally made their way into the vicinity of the crypt. On their way there, they came across a very muddy ravine they needed to descend into. Inva made it down safely, but her companions did not fair so well. Battered, soaking wet and muddy, the party finally made it to the entrance of the crypt. There, they found the corpses of several horses and ponies, still tied to posts in the ground. Wanting to get out of the rain and also concerned about a night ambush, they decided to push on into the crypt.
They were attacked by skeletons just inside, but dealt with them handily. There they found the bodies of two villagers. Pressing on, they came to a room where a voice told them: "Magic is the Key." Taking this clue, both Inva and Warful cast detect magic and detected a faint glow at the bottom fo a pool of water. Inva was lowered down with some rope and found a glowing key. This key helped them pass beyond this room, into the next section. They found a round room which they decided to avoid for the time being and took another path, lined with statues. As they progressed down the hallway, Nels triggered a pressure plate and all of the statues swung swords downward, luckily not hitting anyone. After squeezing their way through they found a wooden golem which activated and attacked as they approached. However, Nels noticed a keyhole, and after wrestling the golem down managed to insert and turn the key, turning off the golem.
They found a room with some gear in it, which they happily took. Then they took an upper hallway into a room where they killed a giant beetle. They also fought a shadow in a room where a fire was burning. Beyond that they found a room with a barred door. Inside they could hear mournful wails. After forcing their way in, they found a survivor of the villagers, who was half-mad with the experiences he had. After talking him down, he told them that his sister was further in and still alive. He also told them that they could bar the door and rest safely in that room, which they decided to do.

Rewards Granted

130 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp
[25 gp] studded leather x3
[1 sp] pint of lantern oil x5
[12 gp] bullseye lantern x2
[50 gp] potion of cure light wounds (CL 1) x2
[150 gp] arcane scroll of web (CL 3)
[120 gp] wand of cure light wounds (CL1, 8 charges remaining)
[150 gp] wand of mage armor (CL 1, 10 charges remaining)
[310 gp] masterwork shortsword
[3 gp] blunt arrows x30
[2302 gp] +1 dagger
[75 gp] falchion x3
[1 gp] javelin x12
[300 gp] masterwork club
[335 gp] masterwork crossbow, light
[1 gp] crossbow bolts x10

Nels (3), Inva (2), Warful (2): 1,900 xp = 100 (orcs) + 300 (Wolves climb?) + 100 (Turns out mud is slippery) + 200 (skeleton surprise) + 100 (Magic is the Key) + 200 (Statues!!) + 300 (Keys work on golems too) + 200 (This beetle just wanted to enjoy its meal) + 300 (Smoky Shadows) + 100 (Roldare)
Report Date
29 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Bullgup (13): 5,850xp/7,500gp/5dt

Articles under Crypt of the Everflame Part 1