The First Ark Ship

Not the first Ark Ship built, or launched, but the first one found on the planet that these Ark Ships populated. It may not even have been the first one that arrived in the star system. Though, most people who study the Ark Ships have the hypothesis that the ships traveled to the system together, and so arrived together.

The ship most likely arrived about five millennia ago, did its job ol creating the life forms stored as DNA in its holds, and had the humans it created bury the ship where it landed.

The ship was found by three teenage boys, participating in a paintball tournament, as part of a weekend event at Tufor Mym, hosted by the LGBTQ+ Union Youth Department. Finding the ship proved the hypothesis that humans didn’t evolve on this planet, but came from a distant, lost planet, called Earth. Because the People of Nagri believe that humans were created in Nagri, by their gods, and spread across the world from there, the Emperor of Nagri claimed that the ship was fake, created to discredit and insult the great nation of Nagri, and the gods, and soon after The Great War started by Nagri taking the island Sew Bli, with the help of the Kingdom of Tojsil.

After Thieian forces took the island Sew Bli back from the Nagri, they moved the ship to a safe location on the mainland. After the war a museum was built for it in Dot Clyr, where the ship is still on display.
For the continuation of humanity.
Creation Date
5006 BD
Current location
6 ships exist on the planet.


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