Lower Keep Academy Building / Landmark in Parllos | World Anvil
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Lower Keep Academy

Lower Keep Academy

Purpose / Function

Serves as the highest educational center in Arlint and the human world at large.


An implamentation of Gwenith Tvelty in 438, shortly after the construction of the first wall around the city, the first alterations to the grounds after the original structures were built was the creation of the expansion keeps. Built into the sides of the original wall the expansion keeps greatly expanded the size of the capital infrustructure.   The grounds went through many alterations during the time of Hrodgier's Empire when the keep was repurposed and reopened as an educational instatution in 628. Bedrooms and large halls were turned into lecture halls or sectioned off into offices for professers. The servents quarters were refitted as a laboratory. The groundskeeper house became metalurgy workshop. Dormatories were erected against the inside of the walls for visiting students.


The grounds are set up in an expanding square pattern around a group of tall, narrow stone buildings of the original keep. Collectivly known as the central keep the buildings are surrounded by inner and outer wall keeps, built into the inside and outside of the original wall. A new wall was constructed around the expansion keeps creating another large square on the grounds.


The structure that is now known as Lower Keep Academy contains some of the oldest buildings in Arlint and originally served as the seat of power for the original Arlint City Council and headquarters for the City Watch. The original keep was built in the year 78, and grew to a large castle in the following years until the government fell during the war that created Hrodgier's Empire. Early in the new emporer's reign the grounds were declared an educational center and officially opened for students in 328.

Founding Date
Alternative Names
Arlint Academy
University / Educational complex
Parent Location


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