Hrodgier's Empire Organization in Parllos | World Anvil
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Hrodgier's Empire

Hrogier's Empire, known officially as the United Empire of Humanity, was the name of the country created by Rowan Hrodgier with the conquering of Arlint and unification of the human cities. From the years of 322 to 360 the empire through growth and strife Hrogier held the fledgling empire together. It wasnt until his death during the war that ended the Dawn Age that the empire proved to unstable to continue without the will of its leader.



Shortly after the creation of the Empire it was decided that the new chrest should embody both cities of humanity. A cheque design of yellow and blue was selected for flags and banners to represent the colors from both Arlint and Osolette. The chrest itself is draped in a similar curtain as the original Osolette chrest, though this with the red of Arlint's secondary color.


The Imperial government was setup very similarly to the Osolette Protectorate in there being a quorum of ministers that acted under and answered to the head of state. The main diffference was that in place of the dual leadership of the Captains General, there was only once solitary ruler, the Emporer.


Creating Empire

As a young man Hrodgier had become fond of the city of Arlint, and became intrigued with thinking about how a world could work if Arlint and Osolette were to unite. A joined navy could clean the pirates out of the Frozen Isles, try to open communications with the humans in Northern Island, fight through and explore the lands south of the Coldmist Forest. As he rose in rank through the Osolette military the idea grew and soon the young man found himiself fasinated with the Osolette Protectorate and the Captains General. When he was of age he joined the Executive Corps of the Protectorate and by 29 rose to be the youngest member of the Captains General to be chosen. It took years, but with some political manuvering and personal manipulation Hrodgier convinced his fellow Captains General Deadra Fole to join him in conquering Arlint and creating a single, stronger, human nation.   They crossed the Human Cradle Mountains and attacked on land at the eastern edge of the city in broad daylight. A single crushing battle decided the day after the Arlint City Watch, untrained for combat with armies of people, fell and the mining gate was destroyed. The armies of Osolette were out of the forest and into the city before the sun set. Once through the city and into the council chambers Hrodgier asked a single time for the council and High Council to join his new nation, they refused with a unanimous vote, and with similar unity, were swiftly put to death, all but the high council. Fole and Hrodgier ordered the Executive Guard to leave them with the High Council Caidith Vangien. Hrodgier asked again and Vangien refused again so Fole took off her head, but not before the prepared Vangien managed to turn and stab Captain General Fole in the neck an instance before the sword slide into hers. Though some may clain that Deadra Fole met her end in a different way, what it known is that Rowan Hrodgier walked out of the council chamber the sole head of state for the new United Empire of Humanity.


Growth and Strife


At first things were tense as rebuilding took place in Arlint and social changes took place everywhere. Hrodgier built his palace and set the seat of his government in Arlint, and slowly things calmed down. Shortly after the establishment of [Hrogier's Palace] the emporer ordered that Arlint's old keep and seat of power be refitted as a university, and in 328 Lower Keep Academy accepted it's first students. The emporer used Arlint's navy heavily and cleaned up the Sea of Teeth, both of pirates and many creatures. This led to more fishing in the deep oceans and the fishing of new exotic creatures. People were more or less well off in Arlint, and thus were content. However, things in Osolette were ignored or not dealt with, the two day trek between cities being something the emporer did rarely, and when he wasnt present, the military controlled the city. Uprisings occured often with larger rebellion alwasy simmering in the background.   Initially the problems in Osolette were contained to shouting frenzies and street violence, but as things got worse so did the violence specifically targeted at the City Watch. Those caught were publically put to death and hung around the city as examples, this however did little to deture malcontents as decent toward the "Absent Emporer" climbed to a boiling point.


Falling of an Age

Everything came to a halt in the summer of 360, the day that forever after would leave huamnity's glories and problems seeming a little smaller and less significant, the day that would open humans to a wider truth of the planet they lived on, the day the trees and the ocean attacked, the day the marked the start of the War of the Sunrise. The species now known as the Malgrove attacked Arlint and Osolette simultaneously wading into and scaling walls with ease, easily killing any they could get thier hands on along the way. Arlint faired better in the assault, thier soldiers being trained with fire arrows which were particularly effective against the invading plants; however, shortly after the attack began the waters of Arlint Bay started to churn as thousands of tentacled Volokatchen rushed the surface and started attacking ships. Smaller craft like fishing boats and light warships were simply torn apart as one or a small group pulled with immense force on either side, larger ships found thier decks being invaded as the creatures climbed the hulls and slipped over the railing to attack with steel spike capped fore-tentacles, or grab and pull nearby sailors overboard to be devoured in the shark filled waters. It was this day that humanity learned it was not alone as a sentient species on the planet.   For days the attacks continued with humans fighting back as hard as they could during the day and resting when they could at night. It was noted that while bizarre in structure, the malgrove had created a camp just inside the treeline of the Coldmist Forest, and even they kept fires bright enough to holdback the strange mist at night. The volokatchen seemed to be less inclided to cease fighting after the sun went down, but could only remain out of the water for a short time before needing to return to the sea. In Osolette the malgrove pushed throught he southern side of the city with ease and crossed the river on the second day. Being overwhelmed, as the newly washed faces of the lanky wood and flora creatures crested the river bank, City Watch and rebellious citizens alike laid down thier arms. Seeing the surrender the malgrove stopped and one asked in accented, but clearly human, speech: "Do you yield?"   When a man of the City Watch answered yes the malgrove immediatly pulled the humans to their feet and let them get to the work of rebuilding, saying as long as the humans did not raise arms then the malgrove would remain peacefully until their business in Arlint was finished.   Emporer Hrodgier led the final assault against the cepholapod army that continued to pour into the now over run port. The freshly rallied humans pushed back against the volokatchen throughout the morning and were seen to be gaining ground by mid day. That was until a group of malgrove pushed through the city in the east and through the warehouse district where they caught the humans from behind. It is said that Emperor Hrodgier looked down at the bloodied branch protruding from his check and shivered before he died.


After the Emperor's death a summit was held at the Imperial Palace where delegates from Osolette's elite were invited under truce to Arlint to discuss the issue succession. For three days meetings were held behind the locked doors of the palace, and slowly the topic of who should replace the Emperor shifted to what should replace the empire. The differences between the peoples of the two cities still ran deep which became prevalent and cause for disagreement between various visions for the future of the human nation. No deal could be come to that didn't show favor to one city or the other, not to mention anything that addressed the logistical, physical location issues that plagued the Hrogier's reign. Why have an empire that is permanently split?   On the morning of the fifth day it was announced that an agreement had been reached and treaty signed that dissolved the empire and all its power, returning any assets and reassigned personnel to their original cities. It also reinstated the Arlint City Council and Osolette Protectorate as the governing bodies of the respective cities.


The Empire of Humanity spanned the Human Peninsula and encapsulated both of the great cities of humanity, Arlint and Osolette.


The military of the Empire of Humanity started as the forces of the Osolette City Command brought with Rowan Hrodgier to Arlint. The size of the military quickly grew after the incorporation of the Arlint City Watch after the war and a mixed together, redeployed military force protected both cities.


Though is was never declared that all citizens must become part of the religion, the Followers of the Remnant Three was the official state religion. It is said that the Emperor was a devout follower.


Humanity as one People

622 - 660

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
United Empire of Humanity
Predecessor Organizations
Successor Organizations
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
Executive Body
Notable Members

Articles under Hrodgier's Empire


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