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Sunyata is an area of Manidweepa filled with disorganized asteroids or other large pieces of rock floating slowly that have been colonized by strange animals with unknown origins.



Sanctuaries are isolated island-like environments that contain different biomes, each with their own evolutionary tracks. They are comparatively small to what might be expected for a sustainable ecosystem.   Residencial creatures that adapted to their sanctuary, find it nearly impossible to transfer from one to another, without outside help. The rare occasions when they do have led to ecological collapse of the sanctuary hosting the invasive species.

Localized Phenomena

Slow Mass Collision

Common materials of various kinds occasionally fall into Manidweepa and become 'native' when their electro-covalent bonds become displaced by protoplasm after several millennia. These particles of metals, gases and liquids combine into slow moving asteroids that have been the sanctuaries of many explorers.   However, similar to collapsing reality waves, the proto-information imprinted on one body can be so opposed to that of another body that the protoplasm would attempt to rediscover equilibrium and release massive amounts of energy as a result.

Natural Resources

Mineral Wealth: Quadrillions worth in gold and other rare elements can be found on the sanctuaries that float listlessly in the space.



Peraia is the floating castle that rotates the gargantuan golden range and the official residence of the current penaga.   It houses all the enchanted treasures from the first occupant's wars of conquest. Much of these treasures tend to be simulai that tempt thieves to break in and steal a potentially self-harming gem.

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