
Communications technology rapidly merges with computer technology at higher tech-levels. Above TL3 in most cultures, it is unthinkable to be out of touch except in the most remote areas, with even short-ranged devices able to connect to a planetary-wide communications grid.

Comms-Tech Notes

Compad VS Comm Unit: Different types of communication device access their comms-capability differently. Some items, like compads, connect to an existing network which gives them reliable coverage over a certain area - almost all TL4 worlds have a planetary communications grid compatible with any standard compad. Some other items, like handheld radios and comm units, can act as their own broadcast medium, and so can operate without an existing comm-grid. This latter is useful on planets which are less technologically gifted or which have local conditions that preclude easy wireless communication/ Other times, the PCs have reason to avoid leaving call logs that might come back to haunt them.   Surveillance Bugs: Surveillance bugs comprise a variety of monitoring devices such as hidden microphones and tiny cameras. Bugs usually only detect a single type of signal (audio, visual, data or biological), so as to maintain a balance of usefulness and stealth, but if a bug needs to record multiple signals then simply add the costs for the various bug-types together and double the total price. In any case, a surveillance bug usually requires a power cell type A to record anything it hears over a 24-hour period. Surveillance bugs, by default, do not transmit their data to the owner in real-time - and instead must be retrieved later and their recordings reviewed manually. If realtime transmission of recordings is required, then triple the total price of the bug.   Computer Upgrade: Many communications device of TL4 or higher can be bought with enough Processing power to run as a basic computer, with the usual unlimited storage capacity and a Processing score of 0. This allows them to run data Interface software as well as one other program such as a Translation or Extranet package. Normally, this will increase the cost of the item by 50%. At TL5, it may also be possible to fit a computer with Processing/1 instead, though the price for this will be much higher.
* - Some encumbrance entries are marked with an asterisk. Such items have no significant encumbrance and dozens can be carried without hindrance.   d - Entries marked with a letter 'd' may be easily disassembled and reassembled to spread their normally-high encumbrance values across multiple characters/vehicles.   (#) - Encumbrance values marked within brackets state the encumbrance value when that object is worn   T - This column in the sheet indicates whether relevant training is required to properly use an object, as is often the case with advanced medical, engineering or scientific equipment. If it does, it will be marked with a 'Y' and will indicate the relevant Skill level also required (e.g. "Y-1" would indicate that the user must have relevant Training and at least level 1 in a relevant Skill). If the user doesn't meet these requirements, they may find it difficult or impossible to get the most out of that item.