Tools & Toolkits

Whilst many tasks can be approached with one's natural faculties, or with whatever can be scrounged from the surrounding environment, many tasks require specific tools of some kind or another: sensors, kits, instruments, technologies, vehicles, medicine, or even knowledge.   When making a skill check, the GM will determine whether tools are required for the job. If they are, and the character does not have them to hand, then the task will either be flat-out impossible, or will be much more difficult.   As above, there are many different pieces of purchasable equipment which could be classified as 'the tools required' for a task, but the specific tools and toolkits outlined below are the most reliably useful and versatile when tackling the tasks of a trade. Some of the toolkits simply enable certain types of skill check, some others provide specialised bonuses depending on their contents.   Medical: Note that the range of medical tools is extensive and therefore they have their own article here.  

Toolkits vs Facilities

A toolkit can address most problems a character might encounter in the field, but some obstacles require more - a fully stocked workshop or laboratory, a garage with fittings designed to house and repair vehicles, a library brimming with relevant knowledge. Such facilities will normally only be necessary when a character:
  • Is working on a long-term project,
  • Wants to engage in some Research & Development,
  • Needs to make some major repairs to their equipment,
  • Needs major medical attention or procedures,
  • Has failed to address an obstacle using just the toolkit.
  • Trainings and Tools

    Characters are assumed to own the most basic tools of their various fields of expertise, and can also be assumed to have picked up some more advanced tools along the way. If a character has either Significant or Targeted training related to a task, but does not have the required tools at hand, then they may either spend Luck and credits to retroactively purchase the 'Tool, Simple' or 'Tool, Advanced' option from the list below - giving them just the right tool for this particular situation.
    # - Some entries are marked with a hashmark. These objects can be conveniently packed together in a smaller, more portable package. Three such objects can be packed together as a single encumbrance item. For ammunition, one loaded magazine counts as one item. Breaking open such a package to get at the contents takes a Main Action, however, before they can be Readied with another Main Action.