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Ashendre (Ash-end-re)

The Ashendre, hailing from the ashy lands of the north, trace their origins back to the era of the Blight, a time when humans sought to reclaim the northern regions from the aftermath of a catastrophic volcanic eruption and the encroaching corruption brought forth by the emergence of the Blighted.   With ashy greyish-white skin and dark red eyes, the Ashendre possess the remarkable ability to see through the thick fog of ash that blankets their lands. However, they are ill-adapted to the clear skies and intense sunlight of the southern regions. Their lungs are composed of a specialized ashy tar substance, enabling them to breathe the deadly ashen air that permeates their environment. Standing on average between 5 to 6 feet tall, the Ashendre exhibit muscular physiques honed to withstand the harsh weather and storms prevalent in the north. They lack hair on their bodies, as the extreme heat of the region makes hair growth and retention impractical. The evolution of their noses has resulted in narrow slits, allowing them to bypass the ineffective filtering mechanism of the human nose in dealing with the ash in the air.   The Ashendre reside in scattered tribal villages spread throughout their homeland, divided among four Ashendre Tribal chiefs who govern their respective territories. Although they have yet to form an advanced society capable of sustaining towns, their lack of technological advancements should not be mistaken for weakness. They compensate for their limited technology with exceptional tactics and military strength, producing some of the finest warriors and commanders in the realm. While they are unable to venture beyond the ash-covered lands to conquer new territories, the Ashendre can dispatch individual men and women as mercenaries, equipped with specialized breathing and vision apparatuses that allow them to survive in environments devoid of ash.   Leadership within each Ashendre tribe is determined by strength, with the ruler selected through trial by combat. At any given time, trial by combat can be demanded, challenging the authority of the current leader. Refusal to partake in trial by combat results in the forfeiture of life, either through banishment or public execution by hanging and gutting on a stake. If the leader dies of old age without a trial by combat, direct descendants ascend to the throne, continuing the bloodline rule.

Basic Information


Has a humanoid structure. Very physically fit and lean. Lungs coated in a ashy tar substance made for breathing a certain ash filled air. Skin is a greyish-white and hard to pierce. No hair growth. Slits for nostrils to filter air. Skeleton is stronger due to a hardened molten rock coating.

Biological Traits

Live to be 100 plus years old. Anywhere from 5-6ft tall. Muscular and lean. Weigh anywhere from 150-190lbs during adolescence. Dark red eyes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduce through sexual means. Takes 6-8 months to birth newborns as the land is not nutrient enough to support fast development.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Newborn to Toddler- 7 years
  • Toddler to Teen- 10 years.
  • Teen to Adolescence- 15 years.
  • Adolescence to elder- 100 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Lives in an ashy wasteland. Not much sunlight. Ash litters the ground and air.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are hunter gatherers. Hunt other creatures that live in their area. Harvest special lava fruit.

Biological Cycle

No changes happen during seasonal changes as it is always warm where they live. Might need to wear a little extra clothing as temperature drops a little.


  • Very cautious
  • Don't like change
  • Courageous
  • Independent
  • Selfish
  • Aggressive

Additional Information

Social Structure

Tribal social structure. Strongest Rules the tribe.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Used as mercenaries for training and commanders or advisors.

Facial characteristics

Slits for nose, Dark red eyes, No hair or facial hair, Little sharper teeth than average human.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Located in the Ashland up in the North.

Average Intelligence

Very average intelligence when it comes to science they just dont have the resources to develop as fast, but geniuses when it comes to combat and strategy.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Very sensitive eyes to sun, can go blind from exposure but very sharp in the Ashland. Very rarely magically inclined. Hearing is enhanced due to the visibility impairment to the sun.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

  • Common male firstnames- Andler, Hale, Unic, Rauk, Rian.
  • Common femal firstnames- Vega, Cella, Deva, Echo.
  • Common lastnames- Yayatic, Frendiric, Tolbold, Damondis, Lattenume

Major Organizations

  • 4 Major Tribes- Stone Ash, Brave Bow, Demon Eye, Bright Stone.
  • 2 Major Political Factions- TDE (Tribal Defense Establishment) focused on military politics, NWF (New World Focus) focused on trying to expand beyond their home.
  • Religious Organization- Communion of Valor.
  • Mercenary Assignment Organization- League of Strategy, used for assigning military advisors and trainers to other civilizations.
  • Illegal Assignment Organization- Shadow Fang, used for assigning illegal jobs and work not sanctioned by the tribes.

Beauty Ideals

Muscular and lean. The more muscular the more attractive as it is a sign of great strength. Darker red eyes are also a sign of beauty amongst men and women. As well as rough hands which signify a strong person capable of providing.

Gender Ideals

Men are the sole rulers and they are the Protectors. Women and children gather and do house work. Only the strongest men can rule a tribe.

Courtship Ideals

Women look for the stongest men in the village. Men look for the beatuy and strength in a women.

Average Technological Level

Very basic tribal technology with the knowledge of steel and iron. One technological advance they have is a seeing and breathing apparatus used to help them travel outside the ash. It is very limited so only very few are able to traverse and see the outside world.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They speak using their own language know as ashen tongue in the common language but are very adapt and quick at learning new ones.

Common Etiquette Rules

  • Very polite
  • Disrespect is not tolerated
  • Always come to the defense of their kids and wife
  • Never shame the Chief in private conversation
  • Combat is used to settle major disagreements
  • Must provide for family, if failed you are gutted and hanged by a stake

Common Dress Code

Wear very light clothing covering private areas. For men chest and upper body is exposed to show their physique and pants are worn to cover legs and private area. For women chest and privet area are covered. skirts, shorts, or pants are used to cover bottom half. Wrap is used to cover top half.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Combat is a huge part of their culture. The greatest hunters and fighters are praised in all tribes. Chiefs are decided through trial by combat. Strategy games are also a big part as they are masters of strategy and love to play games. The people love to hear stories and myths about the outside world especially when they get to hear them straight from someone who has ventured beyond.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

  • Trial by combat can be called at anytime, refusal means death by gutting and hanging by a stake.
  • Wargame tournaments are played every week with a championship including all tribes at the end of the year.
  • Feasts happen whenever a great hunt happens, someone returns home, or a successful trial by combat.

Common Taboos

  • Never step out of the Ashland unless assigned.
  • Never take assassination assignments.
  • Never steal from other civilizations or other tribes.
  • Never kill without facing your opponent head on.
  • Never take a chiefs name in vein.
  • Never woo another's wife.
  • Never kill and unarmed man.
  • Never pillage or rape settlements or tribes.
  • Never lay your hands on a women.
  • Do not spit at the feet of your chief.


Evolved from humans when they went to reclaim the north from the blighted during the Age of Sin. When the world was a cold dark place and blighted ran the world with an iron fist. Thane ruled and enslaved all other races to do his bidding. But an alliance of human kingdoms fought them back into the north. During the final battle powers of untold proportions where used by both sides causing a cataclysmic volcano to erupt out of the ground and cover the landscape with ash. The alliance won but they where trapped in that wasteland forced to survive. Soon they evolved more and more to withstand the harsh environment being able to live freely within. But at the cost of never being able to leave unless they want to loose their eye sight and their skin.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

  • Human- Neutral.
  • Dracon- Neutral.
  • Blighted- War.
  • Dwe- Unknown.
  • Olands- Neutral.
  • Rohder- Neutral.
  • Obsidril- Neutral.
  • Ilriliad- Neutral.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Hamen ashid
Average Height
5-6ft tall
Average Weight
Average Physique
Very lean and muscular.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Greyish-white skin color.
Geographic Distribution


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