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The Humans, the first sapient creation of Ezdos, have become one of the most populous and widespread races in the world of Pelo. Initially, they revered and followed the commands of their creator, but as time passed, they began to feel inadequate and rebelled against Ezdos, leading to a war between mortals and gods. Over the ages, the memory of their creator has faded, and the Humans have largely forgotten their origins.   Humans possess a muscular and lean physique, capable of ranging in height from 4 to 7 feet. Although their skeletons are relatively softer compared to other races, Humans compensate with inherent strength and resilience. Additionally, Humans have an innate affinity for magic, enabling them to learn various magical disciplines relatively quickly. However, mastering these magical arts proves more challenging for them, as their minds are more susceptible to corruption and insanity, particularly when exposed to dark and malevolent forces.   The Humans have established kingdoms and duchies throughout the world, encompassing diverse cultures and medieval levels of technology. Within these kingdoms, kingship is typically determined by bloodline, with rulers chosen from specific royal lineages. However, when a bloodline ends, it often leads to power struggles and potential civil wars, as noble houses vie for the vacant throne. This transition of power can be tumultuous and destabilizing for the kingdom. In contrast, Human tribes select leaders based on individual strength and prowess, prioritizing martial ability and leadership qualities. Dutchies, on the other hand, rely on a council of nobles to select a ruler, ensuring a more representative decision-making process.   While kingdoms, dutchies, and tribes form the backbone of Human society, the world is also plagued by various cults seeking to bring about the downfall of all races. These clandestine groups are driven by their own dark and twisted agendas, often dabbling in forbidden magic and seeking power through manipulation and chaos. Their existence poses a constant threat to the stability and well-being of the Human civilizations.

Basic Information


They are a humanoid species with softer skeletons than the other races. They are usually very lean and muscular using strength to their advantage.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce through sexual means and pregnancy lasts 2 months long.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • New Born to Toddler- 5 years
  • Toddler toTeen- 10 years
  • Teen to Adult- 10 years
  • Adult to Elder- 60 years

Ecology and Habitats

They are very adaptable and can survive almost all over the world as long as the food can supply. The only places that they can't survive in is the Ashland's and Hadrils Depths.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They can eat pretty much whatever. They do like to eat meat, but they eat a lot of different vegetables and plants.

Biological Cycle

When things start to get colder in the world, they do need to wear more layers of clothes. Thier skin and blood does not do well being cold for too long as it can lead to limb loss. When it gets too hot, they need to wear less layers otherwise they can die.


  • Loyal
  • Wise
  • Courageous
  • Curios
  • Ambitious

Additional Information

Social Structure

Men are at the top of the social structure while women have more duties at home. unless you are a higher-ranking woman then you are given more important roles.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Some races use them for their meat and blood.

Facial characteristics

Normal human facial features.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They can be found in all parts of the world except the Ashlands and Hadrils Depths.

Average Intelligence

They are slightly more intelligent than most races in all aspects.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans have average sight and hearing as there is nothing special to their eyes or ears. They are fast magical learners but hard to master one. If trained right they can sense disturbances in a short distance around them.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

  • Common Male Firstnames- Thanuk, Baylen, Norbert, Alain, Herman
  • Common Female Firstnames- Sahra, Therisa, Arcene, Julita
  • Common Lastnames- Haliber, Grersk, Bathohd, Cain, Nokero, Lakdeldrukt

Major Organizations

  • 4 Major Kingdoms- Kingdom of Peleponisia, Kingdom of Galilee, Kingdom of Exalos, and the Kingdom of Nurean
  • 1 Major Dutchy- Dutchy of Retford
  • 4 Political Factions- NRL (Northern Right League) focused on the extermination of the Dwe and the reclaimation of the north. UFP (Undivided Fatherland Party) Which mainly focuses on reuniting into the old Pelotorean Kingdom. IAU (Industrial Advancement Union) who wants to bring about industrial prowess and power. DRU (Dominate Race Union) that wants the world run and ruled by humans using and means necessary.
  • 3 Religious Organizations- Angels of the Son, Children of the Two Gods, Creed of the Five Divines
  • 3 Illegal Organizations- Immortal Sons, Brotherhood of Order, Infernal Clan
  • 2 Legal Organizations- Silverstand, Twinflags

Beauty Ideals

Well structured face is a sign of Beauty in men and women along with fit body types.

Gender Ideals

Men are the dominate gender

Relationship Ideals

Respect is a huge thing and goes a long way when creating a relationship with humans.

Average Technological Level

They have technology of a medieval society mixed in with ancient Greek style of tech. Weapons and armor are a mix of medieval and ancient Greek styles. A major discovery of theirs is a Rocker which is a mix between a ballista and a catapult which launches some devastatingly fast boulders.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They speak the most common tongue amongst men called pelonian and have the ability to learn new languages with practice.

Common Etiquette Rules

  • Chew with mouth closed
  • Bow before nobles
  • Don't look at the ground
  • Eye contact
  • Open doors for lady's
  • Pull chairs out for lady's

Common Dress Code

They are required to keep private areas covered out in public. They may wear whatever they want but nobles stick to more expensive clothing items while peasants stick to cheaper.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

They love to play games and watch theatre. Great hunts are a big part of their culture as well. They love to eat good food so feasts are also something they do plenty of. Story telling and myths are a must for them.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Military war games between other kingdoms or within their own military is a fun tradition they participate in. Gladiator fights are a common watch. Great Hunts happen once a month and the greatest hunt happens once a year between all the leaders of the kingdoms. Theatre is on every other weekend in capital cities.

Common Taboos

  • Never travel to the Northern Mountains
  • Never sleep with another mans wife
  • Never practice dark magic
  • Never experiment with creating new beings
  • Never have interspecies relations


The humans were the first and most dominate race in the beginning of time. Until they led the other races in a war against the Gods to ride the world of them. During that time they not only lost a lot of men and women in battle but they were conducting experiments to create a new race which led to even more deaths. This race later becomes known as the Dracon a "God Killer" race. After that those experiments were outlawed and were never supposed to happen again. Then centuries later they were enslaved by Thane and the blighted forced to work and kill for sport. They later beat them back into the north now know as the Ashlands where thousands were lost to a cataclysmic volcano causing the birth of a new race the Ashendre. Ashendre were humans evolved to live in the Ashlands. Now in this new age the humans are back on the rise hoping to reclaim their dominate throne.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

  • Blighted- War
  • Dwe- War
  • Ashendre- Friendly
  • Olands- Suspicious
  • Obsidril- Dislike
  • Ilriliad- Neutral
  • Dracon- Hate
  • Rohder- Neutral
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
80-100 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Very muscular and lean is the average physique.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Color of the skin depends on where they live as the skin adjust to the temperature, they live in. Colder regions have more lighter colored skin and hotter regions have darker colored skin.


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