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Dracon (Dre-con)

The Dracon, born from the twisted experiments of a secret society of scientists and wizards, are a mutant hybrid race created by the grotesque practices of mutilation and gene splicing. These abominations were a mixture of dragon and human, designed to combat the gods who brought life into the world. Unlike other races created by divine power, the Dracon were the result of the twisted hands of men, marking them as monstrous and feared by all other races. They typically inhabit mountains and caves scattered across the world.   Considered mutants and monsters by the rest of society, the Dracon were subjected to horrifying procedures during their creation. According to old scriptures, undergoing the transformation is described as the most agonizing experience a living being can endure. A human subject would be placed on a table alongside parts of an unborn dragon fetus. Skilled medical experts would cut open the chest cavity, breaking through the ribs to implant the dragon fetus heart beside the human heart. Mages well-versed in blood magic would keep the subjects alive throughout the procedure. Finally, experts in dragonology would merge the hearts together, triggering a brutal and excruciating shift in genes. Bones would break and fuse back together, and the skin would rapidly transform into tough scales. Eyes would morph into those of a dragon, while nails would elongate into razor-sharp claws. However, the procedure did not always yield successful results. Some Dracon would retain their human physique, albeit bulkier and five times stronger. Their skin would transform into scales as hard as steel, their hands would become formidable weapons with mighty claw-like blades, and their eyes would possess an unparalleled sharpness. Teeth would become razor-sharp as well. Due to the brutality and loss of life associated with these experiments, such practices are now outlawed.   As outcasts from society, the Dracon reside in mountainous regions, ruling over their own secluded territories. Despite their monstrous appearance, they possess remarkable intelligence and excel in combat. Furthermore, they are renowned as the finest blacksmiths in the world, crafting exceptional armor and weapons. Their extended lifespan of 200 plus years allows for the development of dulled colors on their scales as they age, with the rare steel color being viewed as a sign of a prophecy where they will reign over their creators and anyone who opposes them.   Dracon society adopts a structure reminiscent of human societies but incorporates traditional tribal rules. Divided into six distinct kingdoms, each with its ruler, the leadership position is determined by strength. The current ruler may be challenged by a noble who garners the support of at least half the royal court. Alternatively, the king may face a challenge from an individual deemed stronger by the people, be it a peasant or a noble. The noble class within Dracon society consists of the most skilled blacksmiths in each kingdom. In order to maintain nobility within a family, the children must demonstrate equal or superior talent compared to their parent. As a result, the Dracon have developed legendary skills in the art of forging, crafting unparalleled armor and weapons. Their true potential as blacksmiths remains largely unknown, as only legends and myths speak of their remarkable feats with hammer and anvil.   The Dracon stand as an enigmatic and feared race, embodying both the terrifying power of dragons and the indomitable strength of humans. Their outcast status has driven them to forge their own path, ruling over their mountainous realms while perfecting their combat prowess and blacksmithing craft. Whether they will fulfill the prophecy and bring about the dominance they aspire to remains a mystery, but their unique abilities and resilience continue to shape their destiny within the realm.

Basic Information


Extremely tuff skeleton due to thicker bone structure. Very strong steel like scales. Very muscular and bulky. Razor sharp teeth and claws. Reptilian eyes used to see far distances.

Genetics and Reproduction

They can reproduce through sexual means They can also create more through magic means but that is now outlawed. Pregnancy takes around 2-3 years as the body needs to develop the genetic bond between man and dragon successfully. May be able to birth sooner but at the cost of the mothers and childs life.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Baby to Toddler- 20 years.
  • Toddler to Teen- 30 years.
  • Teen to Adult- 100 years
  • Adult to Elder- 200 years

Ecology and Habitats

They love to live in cave cities in the mountains. That way they can be left alone because they are outcasts. They are also close to minerals used in crafting. They live off of beats that dwell in caves and also animals that live around the bases of mountains. Discovered a special kind of mushroom and moss that allows for mass production of farming in the caves.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are carnivores for the most part so their main diet is meat. But they do enjoy the few plants they are able to produce in the caves.

Biological Cycle

As they do not have much fat on them and their scales do a poor job keeping them warm they do need to dress warm for the winters and when they travel deeper into caves. Being cold for too long can result in a sudden heart attack leading to death if not remedied soon.


  • Cautious
  • Judgmental
  • Independent
  • Lonely
  • Rebellious

Additional Information

Social Structure

Men are usually at the top of the social structure. But there is the possibility of a women to be. Depends on the expertise of the craftsman.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Used for their crafting expertise. Their scales are also of high value.

Facial characteristics

Dragon face but more compact with lizard eyes an razor sharp teeth. Some have horns and some don't

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Lives mainly in the mountain cities.

Average Intelligence

Average Intelligence when it comes to combat and science but Extreme intelligence in metallurgy and crafting.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Extraordinary hearing and sight. Adapt at metallurgy magic. Very good sense of feel, can sense a disturbance before even seeing or hearing it.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

  • Common Male Firstnames- Kudrin, Brino, Zugas, Xidus
  • Common Femal Firstnames- Esen, Fryssi, Horgory, Atinth
  • Common Lastnames- Hammerfirst, Coppereye, Ironclaw, Blacklung

Major Organizations

  • 3 Major Kingdoms- Kingdom of Niton, Kingdom of Hassican, and the Kingdom of Kutis.
  • 3 Major Duchy's- Dutchy of Phaya, Dutchy of Trugon, and the Dutchy of Ecroles.
  • 3 Major Political Faction- NTCG (The New Trade and Craft Guild) focusing on opening up Dracon trading to the world. DR (Dracon Regime) focused on budling the Dracon military and taking revenge on every race. PND (The Peoples New Dawn) which is focusing on trying to forgive the humans and bring peace to the races.
  • 2 Religiose Organizations- Cult of Steel and Church of the Holy Wings.
  • 2 Crime Organizations- Dragonites and Dracon Trade Ring.

Beauty Ideals

Darker colored scales is a sing of beauty in a male while brighter colors are in a female. Horns are also a sign of beauty in a male.

Gender Ideals

Male is looked at as the protector and provider of the family. Usually they are the best crafter as well. But women can hold their own when it comes to a hammer and anvil. If the Female can out perform the male in crafting then she is the head of the household.

Courtship Ideals

The best crafter is usally what is looked for in a male. Often times women will recive multiple crafted objects from different men having to choose which is the best made.

Average Technological Level

They have discovered a brand new alloy used in a lot of their crafts called draminium which is a combination of steel and simaril. Know to be the hardest metal and extremely tough to craft with. They have also made more efficient anvils and smelters doubling the work compared to the normal counterpart.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Their birth language is the common tongue but over the years they have lived they developed a new form of speaking called Scalid.

Common Etiquette Rules

  • Bow before nobility
  • Never unsheathe your claws unless in harm
  • Head of the household must finish eating before seconds are served
  • Lady always enters a room first
  • Dirty clothes outside of work is shown as disrespectful

Common Dress Code

All parts below the head must be cover by clothes for men and women. Smithing clothes and everyday cloths are to be kept sperate. Women usually where dresses. Men wear shirts and pants.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Smithing is a huge part of the culture. The ruler of a kingdom or dutchy is picked by a chair of 5 of the best smiths in their respective kingdoms. If you are not assigned as a craftsmen you work other jobs like hunting and farming. Creating new minerals and resources is also a fundamental part of the Dracon culture.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Smithing competitions are held every 3 years in the month of Woe. The resource invention ceremony is held every 30 years to find new and improved resources to smith with. Plays are shown every weekend as craftsmen are off duty. Military training events are showcased every other weekend as well.

Common Taboos

  • Never leave a project unfinished
  • Never waste a resource
  • Never disrespect your better craftsmen
  • Never seek help from a human
  • Never bring a human to a city
  • Never show a human our crafts
  • Never show a human mercy


Created during the Age of the New Beginning these creatures where not made by the hands of the Gods. Instead they were created by men in sick and twisted experiments designed to rebel against the gods. Mankind and all the other races where sick of the Gods and what they have done. But no race was powerful enough to stop them. So the Dracon where created as their scales protected them from a lot of different magic forms. When the dust settled and the God where beaten back the practice of making these creatures was outlawed along with the creatures themselves. They became outcasts and monsters to all societies vowing one day to seek their revenge on the ones who created them.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

  • Human- Hate
  • Dwe- Hate
  • Ashendre- Hate
  • Blighted- War
  • Olands- Suspicious
  • Obsidril- Neutral
  • Ilriliad- Neutral
  • Rohder- Friendly
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Hamen drecun
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Very muscualr and bulky.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Scale color can be any color but is influenced by the parent's color. Steel color is know to be the rarest color.
Related Organizations

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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