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Dwe (Dwa)

The Dwe, often referred to as Dwellers by the common folk, are a failed human species created by Uminar out of spite towards the humans created by Ezdos. Consumed by jealousy over the humans' devotion to their god, Uminar cursed the Dwe, damning them to the depths of mountains, where they dwell in dark and damp caves beneath the surface.   Dwe individuals possess a distinct skin tone that ranges from dark blue to blackish, reflecting their environment. They have a slender physique, adapted to navigating the tight passages and cavernous tunnels of their underground domain. Their vision is remarkably acute in the darkness of the caves, allowing them to see as clearly as if it were daylight. However, exposure to sunlight poses a great risk, as their eyes, which appear soulless and milky-white, are extremely sensitive. The piercing rays of sunlight can cause severe burns and instantaneous blindness. The average height of a Dwe ranges from 4 to 6 feet, similar to their human counterparts.   Over time, the Dwe have developed rough and calloused hands, feet, and nails, honed by crawling through the intricate tunnel systems they have created to reach open areas within the caves. They possess sharper teeth, a result of their hunting of cave creatures for sustenance. These creatures have tough and tightly strung muscle fibers, making them difficult to chew, even when cooked. Additionally, the Dwe have a heightened sense of hearing, enabling them to detect even the slightest disturbance in the caves, pinpointing its source accurately.   Dwe tribes are scattered throughout the darkest caves in the world, territories so forbidding that even the Dracon hesitate to venture into them. Among the recorded tribes, three major ones exist, while others are relegated to myth or insignificance. The Dwe live a primitive existence compared to other races, eschewing armor and clothing for the most part. Some tribes even engage in cannibalism, considering humans and other Dwe as delicacies. However, their primary diet consists of the creatures that scavenge the caves alongside them.   Dwe rarely emerge from their caves, but when they do, it is exclusively during the night when their exceptional vision allows them to navigate the world with relative ease. The Dwe's rituals and practices revolve around the worship of a dark deity Uminar. Through their devotion, they have developed a strong affinity for dark magic, forbidden and outlawed by other civilizations. Even the Blighted, with their inherent darkness, shy away from such corrupting and malevolent forces. Prophecies foretell the rise of the Dwe, envisioning their iron-fisted rule over the surface world, enslaving any who dare oppose them.

Basic Information


Humanoid creature with a slight forward bend in the spine as they crawl around a lot on all 4's. They have a pretty tough and durable skeleton due to their skinny nature making the bones more vulnerable to the elements. Very rough hands, feet and nails due to crawling on the rough terrain of the caves. Sharp teeth for ripping apart tightly strung muscle fibers. Two milky white eyes and no nose. Skin is also a blue to dark bluish grey color.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Dwe do not reproduce through normal means. When an elder dies of old age they take the body and bury it in a special soil that is only found in their caves. Once buried the body sits for 2 years and creates 2 new Dwe to take its place.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Baby to Toddler- 5 years
  • Toddler to Teen- 10 years
  • Teen to Adult- 20 years
  • Adult to Elder- 40 years

Ecology and Habitats

The optimal environment for the Dwe is very deep dark caves way deeper than the Dracon live. They carve out spots and holes to make a system of cave networks that they call their home.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Dwe only eat meat. Either from Humans, other Dwe or any animals they can get their hands on. They usually feast on cave dwelling animals as their main source but they can hunt for animals on the surface during the night. Any sort of vegetable or non meat meal has the possibility of killing them as their stomach doesn't know how to digest it and releases harmful chemicals to try and dispose of it.

Biological Cycle

Because the Dwe live so far under ground they do not get affected by season changes. They can survive being cold without many layers because of their cold caves. They never travel out in the sun so they do not have to worry about getting too hot.


  • Aggressive
  • Reckless
  • Devious
  • Wicked
  • Selfish
  • Manipulative
  • Cruel

Additional Information

Social Structure

Seeing as there are no gender or sex roles within the Dwe the provider or top of the social structure is usually the one best attuned with dark magic or one the Dwe deem "intelligent" compared to the rest of the Dwe.

Facial characteristics

Dwe have no nose and milky white souless eyes. Followed up by razor sharp teeth. No ears either.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Only found in deep caves scattered around the world. But the main tribes live in the northern most mountains.

Average Intelligence

They are not very intelligent when it comes to a lot of things that is why they live so primitively. There intelligence with hunting and dark magic are unmatched though.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Extremely sensitive hearing as they can sense the slightest disturbance in sound. Eye sight is also extremely well but only in the dark if met with sunlight instant blindness will occur. Very adapt at dark ritualistic magic. They do not have the ability to smell as they do not have a nose.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

  • Common Firstnames- Grendle, Tahir, Ungbo, Verta
  • Common Lastnames- Darkfire, Bloodknife, Faceeater, Sharptooth

Major Organizations

  • 3 Major Tribes- Farmire, Night Stalkers, and the Mountian Children
  • 1 Religious Organization- Cult of Blood

Beauty Ideals

They have no Beauty ideals as they do not reproduce in a sexual manner and they find themselves quite unpleasing to the eye.

Gender Ideals

There are no genders in the Dwe becasue of the way they reproduce.

Courtship Ideals

There are no courtship ideals

Relationship Ideals

They form strong friendships with those so have high proficiency in dark magic and hunting.

Average Technological Level

They have tribal technology but with the knowledge of using steel and other metals. They have not discovered anything themselves. Commonly used weapons would be steel spears and bows along with javelins. They also have the ability to create plate armor but not full plate armor. Usually the armor only covers their arms, legs and part of their chest with a steel bowl used as a helmet.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They only know how to speak the Dwe language.

Common Etiquette Rules

They have no common etiquette as they live in such bad conditions that is the last thing they are worried about and they are very selfish people.

Common Dress Code

The only thing that they wear is a cloth or hide breechcloth to cover their groin area but it is not required as they do not have reproductive organs.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture of the Dwe is centered around rituals and dark magic. They spend a lot of time improving and command the powers of the ancient darkness. Hunting is also a big part of their culture as they love to intimidate prey and stalk them for hours before finally killing them off. They also love torture as they love to hear other creatures and races scream as it echo's through the cave system.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

They do weekly rituals that usually span the whole day. They have the great torture which happens every month of Sorrow and entails a great amount of torture from many creatures and races. The great human feast which happens once every year.

Common Taboos

  • Never go out in daylight
  • Never befriend any other race
  • Never Eat before the tribe leader
  • Never leave the middle of a ritual
  • Never practice any other magic other than Dark magic


The Dwe were created by the God Uminar out of jealousy from the humans created by Ezdos. Uminar wanted his people to worship him like the humans worship Ezdos. It didn't workout like he was hoping for. The Dwe turned out to be twisted and cruel and wanted nothing to do with their creator. So Uminar cursed the Dwe to live underground without the ability to ever see the sun with their eyes. Now cursed to the depths of the world the Dwe practiced and mastered the ways of dark and forbidden magic. They became even more cruel and psychotic turning their aim back on the God that created them. After the war with the Gods the Dwe continued their dark ways aiming their cruel behavior towards any other race that steps in their path. Especially the humans as they have a deep hatred for them since they were part of the reason they had been cursed to the depths.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

  • Humans- War
  • Blighted- Neutral
  • Dracon- Hate
  • Ashendre- Unknown
  • Olands- Unknown
  • Rohder- Unknown
  • Obsidril- War
  • Ilriliad- War
Scientific Name
60-70 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
The average physique of a Dwe is very skinny but still muscularly toned at the same time. It is very rare to see a muscular Dwe but don't let that fool you because they are still very strong because of the way they live.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The skin color of the Dwe have a blueish grey tone to it. Wether its a lighter blue or darker blue. They do also have faded black marks that can stretch along their body any length almost like birthmarks. This is is due to their constant practices in dark magic and rituals.
Geographic Distribution


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