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Nine Divines

Mythology & Lore

The mythology behind the creation of Obsidril and the world is centered around the belief in a pantheon of nine gods who are responsible for the creation and maintenance of the universe. According to the mythology, the universe was created by the god of Light, Hemjun, who shaped the world from the primordial chaos. He then populated the world with creatures of his own design, including the Obsidril, whom he created to be stewards of the land and keepers of the natural balance. The Obsidril believe that their creation was a special act of divine grace, and that they are therefore a chosen people with a sacred duty to protect and preserve the natural world. They view their dark obsidian skin as a symbol of their connection to the earth, and their multiple arms as a sign of their unique status as caretakers of the world.

Tenets of Faith

  • Reverence for the Nine Divines
  • Community and Solidarity
  • Virtue and Morality
  • Honesty and Integrity
  • Learning and Wisdom
  • Ritual and Worship


They do rituals and sacrifices in honor of the Divines.


The lower ranking priests are responsible for spreading the faith and keeping the people in check with the religion. The higher ranking priests get a seat on the council but there can only be 9 of them. The priesthood is open to both men and women, and individuals are chosen based on their piety, wisdom, and ability to connect with the divine but only men may be on the council.

Political Influence & Intrigue

They run the kingdom using the Holy King as a place holder until the chosen one comes to reign.


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