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Koberic Haliber (ko-brick Hal-i-ber)

King Koberick Haliber (a.k.a. Butcher of Belfield)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Koberic is very physically fit as he trains almost daily with his greatest commanders and Nobels. He has no conditions or illnesses yet in his life.

Body Features

Very muscular and lean. A couple scars litter his body as he has seen the sharp edge of a blade.

Facial Features

Well structured and strong face with a nice bushy black beard.

Identifying Characteristics

He has a scar on the right side of his neck from an arrow just missing his throat.

Specialized Equipment

Stormcaller is a long, silver sword with a blade that seems to shimmer in the light. Its hilt is made of polished blue steel, and is adorned with intricate engravings of lightning bolts and storm clouds. Stormcaller is said to possess the power to call forth thunderstorms and control the elements of wind and lightning. When swung in battle, it can send bolts of lightning coursing through its blade, allowing it to strike foes with devastating force. Its wielder is said to become imbued with the power of the storm, gaining increased strength, speed, and agility.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as one of the first son's he would become the next in line to inherit the crown from his father. He grew up with two other brothers who he was constantly competing with especially his twin brother Cedrick. The other brother named Redick was born only 2 years after them. They all grew up learning how to inherit the crown and run the kingdom even though the crown only got passed down to the oldest. Koberic and his brothers practiced in the art of war and trained with the troops as the King of Peleponisia always led his men into battle. As they got older they trained their minds more with texts and strategy. When Koberic and his twin hit the age of 20 they were sent on a mission together to calm the uprising happening. A couple of the small towns and villages banded together and started to make a mess as they were trying to revolt against the crown. The two men lead an army to rid the land of the revolt. It was a quick and swift victory for the men but as they were celebrating something from the shadows creeped into distance. Letting lose an arrow straight into the chest of Cedrick piercing his heart. The figure from the shadows seemed to have disappeared before the lifeless body of Cedrick hit the floor. No one knew who carried out this assassination but Koberic wanted revenge. He rounded up people from all the nearby villages and drug them to the streets. Beating and torturing people to find who did it. While out on this crusade he later received a message from his father saying that he had fallen ill and must return home. Koberic did as his father and king commanded but never spoke of the things he had done. Trying to spare his father from more pain he kept Cedrick's death a secret and instead said he had to finish taking care of the rebels. A couple days after Koberic's return his father had passed and he was to take the crown and ruler over Peleponisia. For a year the killer of Cedrick had plagued him and hunted him but he would never find the killer. A couple years later he would fall in love with a beautiful women named Solina who would bear him 2 children named Thanuk and Runo. He now sits at the throne ruling over the sleeping giant of Peleponisia with a new focus of brining peace and dominating the blighted.


Koberic was educated well in the art of strategy and battle. But he was also very well educated in personal affairs and how to deal with the people of his kingdom.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Accomplishments include putting down a rebellion at the age of 20, Brining a new ear of peace between the Kingdom of Niton and Peleponisia, Reshaping the military to be a well trained and professional army, and creating the Peacemaker Corps.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failures include not finding who killed his brother, torturing and beating civilians on the hunt for the killer, and sparking a new hatred with the Kingdom of Galilee

Personality Characteristics


Peace and unity are the main motivating forces of Koberic. Another motivation is brining the fall of the blighted and the Kingdom of Helthane.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Smart
  • Disciplined
  • Athletic
  • Strong
  • Observant

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Can be quick to do anything through any means
  • Numb to extreme violence
  • Has a fluctuating moral compass depending on what he wants done.
  • Chaotic at times



Brought a new era of peace between Pelponisia and Niton

Religious Views

He follows the views of the Church of the Two Gods

Social Aptitude

He is very charismatic and confident.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Blacksmithing
  • Hunting


He has a low tone of voice and usually speaks in a soft manner rarely raising his voice.
Current Status
Ruling over Peleponisia
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
132nd of Harvest, 23,746 RB
Year of Birth
23746 RB 43 Years old
Current Residence
Castle at Pelthopia
Medium/ long black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan skin
5' 11''
165 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "The blighted may be a formidable foe, but they are not invincible. With discipline, strategy, and determination, we can defeat them and restore peace to our land."
  • "To win a war, one must first win the hearts and minds of the people. Let us show the world that we are a nation of peace, and that we will not be defeated by fear and hatred."
  • "Strength without discipline is nothing but brute force. Let us use our strength wisely, with purpose and intention, to create a better future for all."
  • "Our strength as a nation lies not in our individual talents, but in our ability to work together towards a common goal. Let us unite in our quest for peace and prosperity."
Children of the Two Gods
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Speaks the Pelonian tongue and can undertsand the language of the Dracon.
Ruled Locations


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