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Holy State's of Osdril (Os-drill)


The Holy King is the face of the kingdom. But a council of the highest ranking priests make the decisions for the kingdom. The Holy king does hold some weight on the matters but it all comes down to the council.


Religion and spirituality are central to Obsidril culture. The Nine Divines are the primary gods worshipped by the people, with each divine representing a particular aspect of life, such as love, war, fertility, and death. The priests are highly revered in society and are seen as the conduit between the people and the gods. The priesthood is open to both men and women, and individuals are chosen based on their piety, wisdom, and ability to connect with the divine. Family and community are also highly valued in Obsidril culture. The family unit is the cornerstone of society, and families are often large and extended, with multiple generations living together.

Public Agenda

The public agenda for the Holy States of Osdril would be to promote and uphold the teachings and values of the Nine Divines, which are the primary gods worshipped by the Obsidril people. This would involve promoting spiritual and moral values in all aspects of society, including education, politics, and economics. The public agenda would also focus on the importance of maintaining a strong and stable society that is based on cooperation and mutual support. This would involve policies that prioritize the needs of the community over individual interests, such as programs to support the poor, elderly, and vulnerable members of society.


After the Age of Sin, when the Blighted and Obsidril were finally subdued, the once-united Kingdom of Osdril found itself divided. To prevent the resurgence of the dark urges that had plagued the Obsidril, new leaders were installed in both halves of the kingdom, birthing the Holy States of Osdril and the Tudeshkia Dominion. In the wake of the turmoil, the Holy States of Osdril emerged as a beacon of light and spiritual devotion. Recognizing the need for redemption and healing, the rulers of the Holy States directed their efforts towards appeasing the Gods of the Nine Divines. Through prayers, rituals, and acts of piety, they sought to distance themselves from the twisted ways of the past and maintain a delicate balance between the forces of light and darkness. This devout focus on the divine helped the Holy States of Osdril establish a realm characterized by harmony, tranquility, and an unwavering commitment to the path of righteousness. The kingdom became renowned for its temples, grand cathedrals, and sacred sites, drawing pilgrims and faithful followers from far and wide. While the Holy States aimed to rebuild and atone for the sins of the past, the memories of their dark history lingered in the minds of neighboring kingdoms. Many still harbored resentment and distrust, cautious of the potential resurgence of the Obsidril's malevolent influence. This wariness fueled the ambitions of the Kingdom of Galilee, which saw an opportunity to exploit the perceived weaknesses of the Holy States. Galilee, driven by its own aspirations for territorial expansion, waged a small war against the Holy States, seeking to seize portions of their land. The conflict tested the resolve of the Holy States, challenging their dedication to their newfound path of righteousness. However, the divine favor they had cultivated through their unwavering devotion provided them with the strength and resilience to defend their borders. While the war resulted in territorial losses for the Holy States, it also served as a catalyst for renewed introspection and determination. The rulers of the Holy States recognized the need to reinforce their defenses and establish alliances with other kingdoms who shared their commitment to the pursuit of righteousness. Through diplomatic efforts and strategic partnerships, they sought to rebuild their strength and protect the sanctity of their lands. In the aftermath of the conflict, the Holy States of Osdril redoubled their efforts to appease the Gods of the Nine Divines, emphasizing the values of compassion, justice, and mercy. They extended their hand in reconciliation to their neighboring kingdoms, seeking to foster understanding and forgiveness for the dark chapter that had stained their shared history. Over time, the Holy States' dedication to spiritual devotion and their genuine commitment to upholding the principles of righteousness won the admiration of some of their former adversaries. The kingdom became a symbol of redemption and transformation, gradually mending the broken relationships and building a network of alliances based on trust and mutual respect. Today, the Holy States of Osdril strive to maintain their delicate balance between the light and dark, guided by their unwavering faith and commitment to divine principles. They stand as a testament to the power of redemption and the ability to forge a new path, despite the shadows of the past. Through their unwavering devotion and tireless efforts, the Holy States of Osdril seek to bring light and hope to a world still grappling with the scars of the Age of Sin

Demography and Population

They are spread about the land through villages, towns, and Huge cities devoted to certain Gods. They have a birth death rate of 2.7:1 with a population of 6,989,674


The land they occupy belonged to the old Kingdom of Osdril before the separation of the kingdom.


  • Militia- First line of defense who is made up of all citizens that are not priests or scholars
  • Royal Guard- Tasked with protecting the council of the Nine Divines
  • Elite Troops- Tasked with more complicated missions and defeating higher tier army's


All other religious practice's are forbidden


  • Illegal- assault, murder, theft, blasphemy, sacrilege, the practice of other religions, abortion, and euthanasia
  • Punishments- Torture, Flogging, Excommunication, Prison, Slavery, Fines, and execution
  The punishment depends on the severity and the interpretation of the council of the Nine Divines. All documents of law are stored in the main church of the Nine Divines.

Agriculture & Industry

They are more of an industrial power with industries including metalworking, mining, textiles, and crafts.

Trade & Transport

They have a highway system that connects all major cities.


They have a pretty high education level overall as the churches provide education for everyone
Founding Date
10 RB
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
They use silver coins and bars for currency usually stamped with the symbol of the Nine Divines on it.
Major Exports
Export silver, coal, crafts
Major Imports
Import medicine, hides, food, preciouses metals
Legislative Body
The council of the Nine Divines creates the laws and rules of the Kingdom
Judicial Body
Priests that are not on the council are responsible for interpreting the laws and rules
Executive Body
They have a special force connected to the religion and church who's job is to enforce the laws. They are called Inquisitors.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species


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