Battle of Lindsey 490 Report in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil

Battle of Lindsey 490

General Summary

Battle of Lindsey 490

The British army, with roughly 2,000 knights Foot soldiers All the great lords are present to do battle with the 10,000-strong Saxon army. Source: Geoffrey of Monmouth, Historia Regum Brittania Length of Battle: 9 rounds Battle Size: Huge


  1. Army Center King Uther, center* (Battle = 20)
  2. Army Right Flank Duke Ulfius, right flank (Battle = 10)
  3. Army Left Flank Duke Gorlois, left flank (Battle = 14)
  1. King Octa Center army King Octa, center (Battle = 19)
  2. Eosa the Giant, Right Flank Eosa the Giant, right flank (Battle = 15)
  3. Eomund Left Flank Eomund (leading newly arrived Germans), leftflan k (Battle = 13)
* Note that Earl Roderick’s contingent, including the player knights, is in the center battle.


  1. Merlin has frightened the Saxons with omens: –5 to King Octa’s first Battle roll.
  2. Uther has superior troops: +5.
  3. Saxons are all on foot, so mounted knights get +5 to Combat skills

Let the Battle Begin -

    CHARGE! - All knights Charged - with success 1st of 7th Scale lead by Sir Elad the Marshal of Salisbury
  • Sir Nuke of Newton Tony - leader in the CHARGE of the 1st Squad of the 1st of 7th Scale -1st Squad=Poor† 12/11 3d6 6/Y Rouncy. VS Eosa archers -Ceorl‡ 10/4 Bow 3d6 1/N. The archers held their position firing at the charging knights. The arrows flew but the knights used shields to protect themselves and their horses. The Knights crashed into the withdrawing archers, who scattered like the leaves in a hurricane. When the knight circled around, just out of range.
  • EOSA ARCHERS LOSS = 22 ARCHERS (10% OF 200=20. leaving 180 archers) ****** NO LOSSES ON 1st squad.
Sir George of Stapleford -leader in the CHARGE of the 2nd Squad of the 1st of 7th Scale - 2nd Squad=Poor† 19/17 5d6 6/Y Rouncy (4d6) VS 1st Javalin -100-Ceorl‡ 12/8 Javelin 3d6 1/Y. The 1st Javelins' throw at the charging knights, Sir George kept his shield up, but the 2nd squad failed. 10 Knights fall (10%, leaving 90 knights) The 2nd squad crash into the 1st Javalins. 10 javalin troops fall. (10%, leaving 90 Javalin)
  • Sir Cernunnos - Leader in the CHARGE of the 4th Squad of the 1st of 7th Scale - 4th Squad=Ordinary† 16/14 5d6 10/Y Charger (6d6)-Cernunnos VS 3rd Javalin -100x-Ceorl‡ 12/8 Javelin 3d6 1/Y. NO losses (shield protection 10% loses on the 3rd Javalins. (90 left)
  • Silus IV - Leader in the CHARGE of the 5th Squad=Ordinary† 19/17 6d6 10/Y Charger (6d6)-Silus. VS 5th Javalin -100x-Ceorl‡ 10/4 Javelin 3d6 1/N, the more experienced knights crushed the 5th Javalin. 5th squad took no casualties. 5th Javalin took 10%, leaving 90 on the field.
  1 Round - Due to the knights' success against the missile troops in the CHARGE round, all decide to turn and try it again.
  1. Sir Nuke: Both sides take loses (10% -10%) but Sir Nuke wins. 1st Squad =90; Eosa archers =160. (+5 to 1st squad horse back Archers lose +5 for 2 to 1)
  2. Sir George: Both sides take loss (10%-10%) but 1st Javalin win. 81 knights Vs 81 Javalin.
  3. Sir Cernunnos: Both sides take loss (10%-10%) but 3rd Javalin win. 90 knights Vs 81 Javalin
  4. Sir Silus: Both sides take NO loss (TIE) but 5th squad win. 100 knights Vs 90 Javalin.
2 Round -
  1. Sir Nuke: Sir Nuke: Both sides take loses (10% -10%) but Sir Nuke wins and does +2 damage. 1st Squad =81; Eosa archers =143.
  2. Sir George:Both sides take loss (50%-10%) but 1st Javalin win. 41 knights Vs 73 Javalin.
  3. Sir Cernunnos:Sir Cernunnos: Both sides take loss (10%-50%) but 3rd Javalin win. 81 knights Vs 40 Javalin (+5 2:1) Cernunnos Kills 1
  4. Sir Silus: Both sides take loss (10% -50%) but 5th Squad win. 90 knights Vs 44 Javalin. (+5 2:1) Silus kills 1
3 Round -
  • Sir Nuke:Both sides take loses (10% -50%) but 1st Squad =73; Eosa archers =69. Nuke Kills 3
  • Sir George:Both sides take loss (10%-50%) but 2nd Squad win. 38 knights Vs 37 Javalin. There is confusion on the field and the knight's retreat. (-10)
  • Sir Cernunnos:Both sides take loss (10%-10%) but 4th squad win. 73 knights Vs 36 3rd Javalin (+5 2:1 +5 horse) Cernunnos Kills 2
  • Sir Silus: Both sides take loss (10% -10%) but 5th Squad win. 81 knights Vs 40 Javalin. (+5 2:1; +5 horse) Silus kills 1
  • 4 Round -
  • Sir Nuke:Both sides take loses (0% -50%) but 1st Squad =73; Eosa archers =37. Nuke Kills 0 Captures 37* (+5 2:1; +5 horse)
  • Sir George:Both sides take FAIL (50%-50%) Sir George rally troops but Fails. 19 knights Vs 19 Javalin. Thing look bad for Sir George.
  • Sir Cernunnos: Both sides take loss (10%-10%) but 4th squad win. 66 knights Vs 32 3rd Javalin (+5 2:1 +5 horse) Cernunnos Kills 2
  • Sir Silus: Both sides take loss (10% -10%) but 5th Sqad win. 81 knights Vs 37 Javalin. (+5 2:1; +5 horse) Silus kills 3
  • 5 Round -
  • Sir Nuke:Both sides take loses (10% -50%) but 1st Squad =67; Eosa archers =17. Nuke Kills 2 Archer Retreat! (+5 2:1; +5 horse +5 Retreat)
  • Sir George: Javalin troops fail, (10%-50%) Sir George rally troops but fails. 17 knights Vs 9 Javalin. Thing look begin to look up +5 2:1, +5 horse) -10 on the field!
  • Sir Cernunnos: Both sides take loss (10%-50%) but 4th squad win. 60 knights Vs 12 3rdJavalin (+5 2:1 +5 horse) Cernunnos Kills 2
  • Sir Silus: Both sides take loss (0% -50%) but 5th Squad win. 81 knights Vs 16 Javalin. (+5 2:1; +5 horse) Silus kills 3 - CAPTURE 16 5TH LIN
  • 6 Round - Sir Silus was catching his breath when 4th Brown Bears -25 Berserker 15§ Great axe 7d6 2/N Their insane leader Harn (B2) charges
  • Sir Nuke: Instead of chasing the archers down, charges into 2nd Javelin withdrawing from front (10% -50%) but 1st Squad =60; 2nd Javalin=DESTROYED. Nuke Kills 2 (+5 horse) -2ND LIN DESTROYED!
  • Sir George: Javalin troops fail, (10%-50%) Sir George rally troops but fails. 17 knights Vs 9 Javalin. Thing look begin to look up +5 2:1, +5 horse) -10 on the field!
  • Sir Cernunnos: Both sides take loss (10%-50%) but 4th squad win. 60 knights Vs 3rd Javalin (+5 2:1 +5 horse) Cernunnos Kills 2- Unit destroyed!
  • Sir Silus: enemy side take loss (10% -10%) but 5th Squad win. 72 knights Vs 20 4th Brown Bears. (+5 2:1; +5 horse) Silus kills 2
  • 7 Round -
  • Sir Nuke: Rally troops and moves in (10%, 10%) on the 18 -4th Berserkers. bring his 1st Squad 54 knight. (+5 2:1; +5 horse,)
  • Sir George: Javalin troops fail, (10%-50%) Sir George rally troops but fails. 17 knights Vs 3rd Javalin Destroyed. George moves to withdraw.
  • Sir Cernunnos: Attacks 3rd Black Bears -50-Berserker: Both sides take loss (10%-50%) but 4th squad win. 54 knights Vs 25 of 3rd Black Bear (+5 2:1 +5 horse) Cernunnos Kills 2- The BATTLE RAGES!
  • Sir Silus: enemy side take loss (10% -10%) but 5th Squad win. 65 knights Vs 14 4th Brown Bears. (+5 2:1; +5 horse) Silus kills 2.
  • 8 Round -
  • Sir Nuke:Rally troops and moves in (10%, 10%) on the 12 -4th Berserkers. bring his 1st Squad 49 knight. (+5 2:1; +5 horse,)
  • Sir George: finds his troops 100 spear men strong attacks 25 3rd Black Bear Berserkers, (10%, 10%) 90 spearmen, 22 Berserkers left George kills 1
  • Sir Cernunnos: Both sides take loss (10%-10%) but 4th squad win. 49 knights Vs 18 of 3rd Black Bear (+5 2:1 +5 horse) Cernunnos Kills 2- The BATTLE RAGES!
  • Sir Silus:enemy side take loss (10% -10%) but 5th Squad win. 55 knights Vs 8 4th Brown Bears. (+5 2:1; +5 horse) Silus kills 2.
  • Sir Nuke: KILLS = Heorthgeneat- Frithulaf Fisher; Beornward of Trewick (40 GLORY EA)
  • Sir George: Heorthgeneat- Blaecman the Mercer; Ecgbert Bekker
  • Sir Cernunnos:Heorthgeneat-Beornnoth of Sudweald; Ingwald the Trotter
  • Sir Silus: Heorthgeneat-Ordric Tanner; Bernwini of Steadpool
  • The King was wound, when Sir Nukes' horse slammed into his charger, throwing him to the ground. The other knights disarm and hold him fast, Sir Nuke give the king some Fairy water. (+50 Glory)
  • Rewards Granted


    871 GLORY 14+7+25 +2 CHARGERS

    After the Battle

    • Victor: Decisive Victory
    • Plunder: £14 of goods
    • Capturing Octa’s Banner: £25 (divided), plus 1 charger each.
    • Capturing King Octa: £100 (divided), plus 1 charger each.

    Articles under Battle of Lindsey 490


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