Edington Settlement in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil


population: 600   The village of Edington covers an area of approximately 10 acres, with a total population of 600 people. by Trade, these are shop owners and are free to come and go from the area, they RENT. This rent is set by the lord of the Manor. based yearly. The village has 3 noble houses. (Area around the Main Manor) The peace is kept by 4 guardsmen, and there are 1 advocate to assist with legal matters. For those more concerned about their soul, there are 18 clergymen and 0 priests. The priest use Edington as a "home base" for their work.     Bakers 2, one is in the manor and supports manor and workers. #2 is located in town.
  • Coopers 1- RENT- a maker or repairer of casks and barrels. used for everything.
Locksmiths 0 Saddlers 0 Barbers 0
  • Copyists 1- were true artists who, in addition to copying the text, also added the various embellishments: illumination (the application of color and decoration) and the miniatures (the figures and illustrations) which sometimes accompanied the titles, as well as the rubric, capital letters, borders, vignettes, friezes, etc. He works in the Scriptorium
Magic Shops 0
  • Scabbardmakers 1 - for swords and daggers.
Bathers 0
  • Cutlers 1 -a person who makes or sells cutlery. Also called a Tinker.
  • Maidservants 7 - They used to work for the previous owner of manor.
Sculptors 0 Beer-sellers 0
  • Doctors 1 - not a surgeon. but a doctor.
  • Masons 1 - required any time stone is used.
  • Blacksmiths 2 One works for the manor and the other is private (taxes)
    Spice Merchants 0 Bleachers 0 - clothes washer.   Bookbinders 0 Glovemakers 0 Painters 0 Tanners 0 Booksellers 0 Harness-makers 0
  • Pastrycooks 1 -rent, hate -2, works closely with bakers.
  • Taverns 1 - owned by the lord of the manor- Public house, supplied to workers.
    Plasterers 0
  • Watercarriers 1 -The manor has a WELL, but the towns well are about a 1/2 mile away. it is a natural spring and considered a blessed place (Pagen). this is done by cart and mule.
Butchers 0 Hay Merchants 0 Pursemakers 0  
  • Carpenters 1 - requited for repairs and any building.
  • Chandlers 1 - required for candles.
  • Chicken Butchers 1 - required for meat.
  • Woodsellers 1- RENT- He is from Bratton He comes 2 a week. He travels from Bratton  to ERLESTOKE than back again. He has a Hand cart.  besides fire wood, large lumber orders can be placed and delevered.
  • Jewelers 1 -rent-rents the cheaper space here and takes his wares downstream to Bath
  • Wine-sellers 1 -RENT- Merchant from Bristol to Bath and down the Avon River. The wine can be ordered and shipped in.
Illuminators 0 Roofers 0 - needed for upgrades to roofs, tile or lead. Inns 0 Ropemakers 0 Woodcarvers 0


Copyists 1- were true artists who, in addition to copying the text, also added the various embellishments: illumination (the application of color and decoration) and the miniatures (the figures and illustrations) which sometimes accompanied the titles, as well as the rubric, capital letters, borders, vignettes, friezes, etc. He works in the Scriptorium   Fishmongers 1 -rent-he is from COULSTON He comes 3 times a week.

Industry & Trade


Edington is FAMOUS FOR ITS CLOTHES. The Clothing District is an outlet area.

These vendors take their wares to the larger city on market days. RENT is cheaper here than there. Property rents in medieval towns were an important source of income for property-owners including the king, local lords and civic authorities, and a significant expense for local residents.
  • Mercers 1 -RENT -a dealer in textile fabrics, especially silks, velvets, and other fine materials.
  • Old Clothes 1 -RENT- repairs old clothes bring back to new. Works with a Tailor.
  • Furriers 1 -RENT -a person who prepares or deals in furs:
  • Tailors 1 -RENT-
  • Buckle Makers 1 -RENT-
  • Hatmakers 1 -RENT -
  • Shoemakers 2 -RENT- boots, shoes,
  • Weavers 1 -RENT-the weavers and rugmakers work together, 
  • Rugmakers 1- rent-
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank


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