In the Year of our Lord 490 Report in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil

In the Year of our Lord 490

General Summary

Year 490

Spring Court

Court is held at Warwick, Wuerensis.

Special Guests

Duke Gorlois Duke Gorlois and Duchess Ygraine.   Duke of Lindsey Duke Lindsey   Ulfius, Duke of Silchester

Many other lords



  Gossip 490  


  • Prince Madoc: “Those damned Saxons , Kings Octa and Eosa, are still at it. They’ve driven Malahaut to the ground and have pillaged the countryside. But Uther isn’t like those Northern kings to hide in a castle!”
  • Brastias: “Hengest’s son Octa is a great hero, and it’s said his cousin Eosa is so big that he can’t ride a horse. Plus, I heard the merchants saying that their army doubled in numbers last fall when a whole new fleet of ships arrived from Saxony.”

Royal Conversation

King Uther: “There has never been a stronger army for battle. We are going to strike and destroy them this year. We are ready, they are impatient. Fight bravely, Sir Knight. Your day is dawning.”


  Roll Intrigue: Crit success (click Here Success (Here fail (here Fumble (here)


The British army, with roughly 2,000 knights and 5,000 foot, assembles at Lincoln, in LINDSEY County. All the great lords are present to do battle with the 10,000-strong Saxon army.

Battle of Lindsey

Battle of Lindsey 490    

The Great Victory Feast

  The battle was long and hard-won; though many men are dead or sorely wounded, everyone else is exuberant. In Lincoln , the duke, whose lands have been saved from pillaging this year, has the victory feast spread through the entire castle, so that the bailey is an expanse of impromptu tables spread with abundant food and beer. All knights present may attempt Temperate/Indulgence rolls. In the duke’s Great Hall, the upper nobility celebrates. There, too, are any notable heroes of the battle. Silus IV ,Sir Nuke of Newton Tony, Sir George of Stapleford, and Sir Cernunnos are all the honored guess of the King, who want them all to tell the tales of their exploits. The king orders entertainers in to amuse everyone. Everyone is amused! A small dwarf is dressed as The Saxon GIANT King and parades around the room, Roaring that he will destroy Britian! He trys to mount a small wooden horse but the horse breaks and he falls to the floor. He cases the women present saying he will ravage them! He mocks attack the Duke Gorlois with a chicken drumstick! The duke smiles and pushes the tiny man off the table into the floor which causes a huge outburst from the crowd! "I have been brought low by a small man of Britain?" the dwarf said as he feigns defeat on the floor. The Room is burst with laughter and good-humored cheerfulness and conviviality. At one point a bevy of beautiful, well-dressed noblewomen enters, taking up ranks along one side of the hall. One of them steps forward. Her beauty and stature are particularly breathtaking, like those of a woman in a dream, and her voice is like music. Everyone knights present must attempt a Lustful roll. On a success, the knight gets a directed trait of Lust (Lady Ygraine ) Equal to the number of points by which he succeeded at his roll. A knight who fails this roll must then make a Chaste roll or gain an Amor (Lady Ygraine) passion equal to the number of points by which he succeeded at his roll.

Choosing a Path






Adventure: RETALIATION - Madoc ap Uther spends all Summer Raiding and attacking Saxon Settlements.


Christmas Court 490


Report Date
20 Oct 2022

Articles under In the Year of our Lord 490


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