SAXON shieldwall Military Formation in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil

SAXON shieldwall

The typical battle involved forming shieldwalls to protect against the launching of missiles and standing slightly out of range of each other.



Groups of 20 Saxon Ceorl 11/5 Spear 3d6 1/Y




  • Preliminaries – The lines are drawn up and leaders make pre-battle inspirational speeches
  • Advance to close quarters – A battle cry would be raised and one or both shieldwalls would advance
  • Exchange missiles – Both sides shoot arrows and throw javelins, axes and rocks to break the enemy's resolve
  • Shield to shield – One or other side closes the short gap and attacks, using spears and swords, protecting themselves and pushing with shields to try to break the enemy line. If neither line broke, both sides would draw back to rest. More missiles would be exchanged, and then the two lines would close again. This would continue until one line broke through the other, perhaps aided by the death of a leader or capture of a banner.
  • Rout and pursuit – One side would begin to give way. A final stand might be made by some, as at Maldon, but most would flee. The victors would pursue, killing all they could catch.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation


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