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The Door in Reality, Session 5

General Summary

Pell Talks to the Escapees

Astiniltlish "Pell" Pelligri catches up to the escapees of The Cut in The Buried City and warns them of the threats of the Wolves of the Maelstrom, as he senses that they are ~500m away. The defenders get scared. Pell stays to help them keep safe.   (sniff the wind partial success)  

Sequoia, Styg and Reginald at The Cut

Sequoia, Styg and Reginald Fulton discuss attacking The Cut, the idiocy of Millions and the war (and trying to end it). Reginald implies that inhumans may have been involved in the apocalypse.     Sequoia spots five heavily armed and armoured mercenaries marching from Harbortown, towards The Cut, looking for trouble.   (read someone partial success, read a situation miss, read someone partial success)  

Incoming Mercs

Reginald has an ally in one of the approaching mercenaries. Sequoia notices a vulnerable flamethrower-fuel tank on the one in the middle of the formation. Awful combat ensues, Sequoia is devastatingly wounded. Amy is killed. The group collect four heads from the dead mercenaries and travel to STYG-0's Workshop to treat Sequoia.   (open brain miss, dangerous presence partial success, against the odds partial success, help Stig complete success, do battle complete success)  

Back at House Gardenia

At House Gardenia, Peppering and two of her group drop arms and apologetically join Storm's Children in the aftermath of Storm Gardenia's dazzling musical performance. The other two become aggressive and demand Errol Mustang’s head.   Matthew Lutey tries to read the angrier of the two assailants but accidentally inflicts psi-harm. The aggressor opens fire, injuring a couple of Storm’s children. Errol distracts him enough to injure him with a crossbow bolt. Storm demands that the aggressors join her family or leave, but the other fires and wounds her. Storm, Errol and Matthew fight and kill the two aggressors. Matthew is badly wounded.   (deep brain scan miss, interrupt someone complete success, act under fire complete success, confront someone miss, help complete success, do battle complete success, do battle complete success)  

Styg’s Workshop

At his workshop, Styg wants to repair Sequoia with cybernetics, but needs her “help”, some parts (the cyborg arm will contribute, but he needs more biological interfaces) and a day's work, and it will put Sequoia at risk. Sequoia confronts The World's Psychic Maelstrom and it agrees to look after her daughters, via its “children”.   (tinkering, standing across the threshold)  

Matthew Needs Healing

Dog head has run out of supplies to heal Matthew with, and needs ingredients or barter. Storm encourages her children to contribute, which they do, generously. Dog head patches Matthew up a bit more and leaves.   (charm someone complete success)  

Pell Keeps a Lookout

In The Buried City, with the escapees from The Cut, Pell tries to get a read on the nearby Wolves. He senses (unclearly) that they are gathering en masse and getting closer. He reflects on their inhuman nature - maybe they were once human, but aren’t really any more. He helps the defenders dig in very effectively.   (open brain partial success, lay out a plan complete success)  

Errol’s Ear to the Ground

Brain, from The Pillars, wants Errol’s blood. Reason unknown.   (ear to the ground miss)
Related Adventure
Adventure: The Door in Reality
Report Date
26 Jan 2021
Primary Location
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Cover image: Perfect Circle Header by Ché Wilbraham


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