DCS Sea Stalker

The new flagship of Deep Admiral Lorgon of the Consulate Admiralty, the DCS Sea Stalker is an advanced Plentius-Class Assault Frigate developed and manufactured by the Harwick Trade Company. It was commissioned in 9040 by Deep Admiral Lorgon as part of an overhaul of the Open Seas Fleet. At the request of Shoal Admiral Keth'leen Harper and Shore Admiral Jenna Hagan, the chief logisticians of the Consulate military, the ship was commissioned in divisible pieces, to be shipped to the Consulate over seven years to be constructed by Harwick engineers with domestic materials. Additionally, to serve as his flagship, Lorgon commissioned the ship to be scaled up by a factor of two. While this significantly places it outside of a Frigate classification, it is still logistically considered a light assault vessel.   Being constructed in the enormous shipyards of Crater's Rim, it has been a longtime spectacle for sailors and merchants watching its construction. The craftmenship which has been incorporated differentiates it from its sister ship in Pillarin as it incorporates design flares of the ancient sailing ships of the Consulate's past. It greatly resembles the older and far larger vessel, the DCS Bridgebuilder, but significantly incorporating modern design with a far more aggressive combat profile. The materials used to construct the vessel were, for the first time in Consulate history, harvested domestically. Due to Shore Admiral Hagan's lumber program in Victus' Fall, the Consulate has cut the expense of the vessel in half.   The ship was nearing completion in Dying Light 9047, but was delayed due to supply chain issues caused by the Circlecrash. Official government statements have indicated its intent to officially launch the ship by the end of Rekindling 9048 after the Shore Admiral and Shoal Admiral restructured the Consulate's supply chains.


Similar to the prototype ship The Liar and the Visionary and being part of the line of Harwick Trade's partially magically automated warships, the Sea Stalker is capable of generating its own wind through specialized enchantments anchored just behind its sails. The sails can be directed in any direction and the wind can be intensified or weakened by the will of the helmsman. It can reach a top speed of 30 knots at open sea. While the magical automation is similar to that of the Liar and the Visionary, it is not capable of reaching the same speeds or effective regular range.

Weapons & Armament

Like the The Liar and the Visionary, the Sea Stalker is armed with a series of harpoon launchers, grappling spears, and magical projectile funnels through which magic users can channel their spells. Unlike the Visionary, it is equipped with twice the number of magical projectile tubes, with a total of 88, making it one of the most heavily magically-armed ships in the hemisphere.   A core aspect missing, compared to the Plentius-class prototype, is the array of explosive combustion cannons. As part of the Treaty of Slope with the former Autocracy of Ren, the Consulate is not allowed to manufacture or own a vessel equipped with cannons using the same principles as Ren firearms. Despite this, the Sea Stalker is equipped with an undisclosed prototype weapon which Harwick Trade has promised will be just as effective.

Hangars & docked vessels

Due to the significantly increased size of the ship compared to the Visionary, the Sea Stalker holds three small three-crew single sail interceptor schooners within its lower decks. Deployed from its prow, these interceptors must be slowly deployed while stationary. The great size of the Sea Stalker prevents the prow gates from opening while in motion without taking on significant amounts of sea water. However this flaw is considered negligible as, according to Consulate naval combat doctrine, the best practices of engagement with pirates and mercenaries emphasizes proactive planning.
Creation Date
Dying Light 9047
Owning Organization
Current location
Related Technologies
80 ft
300 ft
30 knots
Complement / Crew
600 (full)
250 (actual)
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
1000 maximum


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