Dwaiyn Slatescar

Written by KingOfTheKaiju

D’Waiyn was born in 8963 FFC on the 13th of Blue Skies, and he would be the middle child of Elia and Bertok. He was a bit mischievous and adventurous in his youth, often getting into trouble by sneaking his way into places he shouldn’t be or running out into the forests with no supervision. As he grew older, his black sheep streak only continued to the chagrin of his parents. With their every push to get him to be a good heir to the mining business and help his brothers run things, he pulled further away from his family. To D’Waiyn, his family did not understand his adventurous nature and were smothering his curiosity. He wasn’t interested in spending his life a miner like the rest of his family.
Character Location
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Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
13 Blue Skies
Date of Death
16 Low Tide
8963 FFC 9048 FFC 85 years old
Circumstances of Death
Soul destroyed by Hammer of Souls, Converted into Warforged Soul Cloister
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Myths

13th Rekindling, 9048

They still believe in me after everything. How could I have been so mired in my own misery that I could ignore that? My friends see me as valuable. I don't even remember the Marauders saying that to me. I haven't heard a thing like that since Heart's Whisper, and most of the time those drunk nobles would say anything after a session. Throden and Walker made it clear I had an unhealthy relationship with how I wanted to help them, and even said they'd be willing to help me clear out the Shrine back in the Hickerwick. I can't believe I have people who actually care enough about me to do something like that. Peace with them and all their days, bless them. We talked parents and siblings and all sorts of parts of our past, and it got me thinking... maybe Gwold had a family. It's possible I'm not the last true Slatescar. If they were really lucky, maybe they understood what I was trying to tell them and got out of the failing mining business before it killed them all. I didn't mean to yell and accuse back then, but they never understood the real me, and I loved my brother Hunvid as much as anyone else and was distraught at his loss. I wish I could go back and tell them I miss them. We had our differences, but if we had just talked it out I know we could have been a more functional family. I'm grateful to have at least found another one.

8th Rekindling, 9048

Scipio... I'm so sorry young one. I wish I could trade your life for mine. We arrived too late to save the boy and Linthea unleashed some sort of death spell on a new companion of ours named Sylivar. He fell to the ground dead, instantly. I tried to talk things out with Linthea but she drove me into a rage when she mentioned casually killing us all and bringing us back later. I don't want to come back again. Death didn't curse me, rebirth did. And I won't see these people die before me. I owe them that much. I can't believe how easy it is to manipulate me, either. I found myself charmed by Linthea by some means and let slip Xilmoira's precious secrets... I wish she would just knock me into the dirt than threaten me. Don't I deserve that? Hasn't she earned that? What an ugly day, but I guess I found a new sword so I'm sure that'll make me feel better. How do I ever make things right with Xilmoira? How can I make Walker trust me to get him to open up? How do I tell Throden it's her sister's choice to come back to life? How do we rebuild the life Milos had in his hometown after it was lost? Eldath, I beg of you for answers. I can't keep journaling my pain into these pages, it's only making me feel worse. I need to find the hope that I know is hidden amongst us.

4th Rekindling, 9047

Why do I even try. And why do I insist on regurgitating my failures into this journal, as if I were to learn something from them. I thought maybe I could save us from arrest and also learn more about the Didacy/Consulate relations in one fell swoop but it only got us deeper into the mud. Roleplaying used to come naturally to me back when it was part of my job, but this new life is just a constant stream of stress and guilt. The worst part is that I love these people, but I continue to hurt them. None of that compares to the new truth I now bear. My rebirth was no miracle. I wish I could speak more on this. Strange forces are at work and I'm very tired and empty. Praying for a better dawn ahead- these people deserve it.

35th Dying Light, 9047

Somehow I've arrived at the end of another year in this undying carcass, but I feel a bit better than I expected about it. Somehow along the way I failed to keep my emotions from these people and I decided to start caring about them. I pray they spend very little time thinking about me, it's the last thing I want. If I can just dedicate myself to helping them, maybe I will find some of my own peace in that act. Today we celebrate the coming of another year and hope it brings better tidings than the last. May Milos, Wind, Throden, Xilmoira and Yakini get the peace their lives deserve and may I help ensure that dream is forged into reality.

31st Dying Light, 9047

Something strange happened last night. It seems Walker finally came to end their contract with whatever entity was granting them power, but it was up for dispute. The others and I bore witness to some sort of Trial within our dreams where Walker (with the aid of Dee-Dee, who I dare not look at or talk to) was able to successfully rid themselves of this entity. It certainly felt ominous, though. I don't know that we won't see this thing cross our paths again. I'm happy for my team member nonetheless. I hope it eventually brings them closer to their inner peace.

22 Dying Light, 9047

She spoke to me... I tried to apologize and I didn't know how to say it and I heard her voice. It was so disappointed. I feel miserable, but I have to make this right. I don't even know where to start but the fact that Eldath still believes in me means there could still be hope.

20th Dying Light, 9047

We've arrived at some place called Dark Citadel Island. I feel so tremendously empty since I lost control and beheaded Sundaria, I feel like Eldath is glaring at me at all times. We're supposed to put down some sort of Alpha Yeti, but all I want to do is retire here and atone for my mistakes. A place like this is perfect. It's quiet, there's almost no one around, and there is plenty of wildlife to behold. I summoned a steed for the first time here. I reached deep into what remained of my faith and surprisingly Eldath still responded in kind. The poor creature looks ill, though. It resembles a Hickerwick Elk but its all bones propped up by vines and snares. Fits me though.

17th Dying Light, 9047

I don't even know what to think anymore. I feel just as hollow as the day I walked out of that grave. Everyone here is more capable than me, even when they screw up. We found some strange underground... tomb or church or ruin. It held something that these Warforged called "the prisoner." I hardly know what that means but I nearly fell to my death trying to stop my friends from fighting over some strange, magical hammer. Why didn't I just let go of the ledge? It would've been easy. Do I really care enough for these people already that I don't want to leave them behind? I don't even know where to begin with the Hammer, but that whole place reeked with cursed energy. I was afraid we had defiled something very dangerous, and I really hope my companions learned not to play with dangerous magical items. Everything is such a haze.

15th of Dying Light, 9047

There will be no end to my foolishness, it appears! I'm writing this entry half-drunk to forget the mistakes of this night but I certainly don't get to live this one down. Where to begin? Yakini is gone. I started to feel like I might want to know her, but I'd rather her continue her studies... Somehow managed to behead a corpse in a rage fueled by every frustration in my head. I don't know what came over me. He killed himself and I lost it. What a hypocrite I am. I joined up on this journey looking for a quick end and this is what drives me over the edge?? How is it that I'm allowed to disrespect my life but seeing some one else throw it away pushes me past my limits?! Oh, and of course I spilled the beans on being some half-baked zombie a few days ago. What a joke. The worst of all, I tried to save so many lives. I failed to convince people at the party that there were explosive charges, despite my best efforts. Then I tried to stay some hot-headed Orc's hand when he was going to summarily execute a prisoner we were learning information from. But the icing on the cake? I made a snap judgment to run to the aid of a woman we were trying to protect and heal her neck wound without a second thought. I was worried she would bleed out, but somehow even that was the wrong idea! Now one of our contacts won't speak to us and I may have just sealed her lover's fate with some sort of rare poison. At least this way I'll get fired. Surely then I can find a more brutal job to run headlong into that'll finish me off. Oh, and that Orc I saved and stopped from murdering our prisoner? He's some sort of Admiral and he threatened me. And my stupid drunk ass just sat there and sarcastically flirted with him to piss him off. Ugh. Fuck this.

1st Dying Light, 9047

Relics. Of course it'd be relics again. I try to run away from my past and I'm back looking for lost treasure with another adventuring party. They seem a little less sociopathic than the Merciful Marauders, but who knows. Time changes people. If I get one hint that this Didacy entity is accruing power for a war, I'm out. I don't need to be a part of anything of that caliber. This group is certainly quirky, but not without some merit. I've never worked with a Lizardfolk before, and this one seems wild yet fascinating. Maybe I'll come to understand more of her culture. One of the Tabaxis is from my hometown! Thank the Gods I was dead for 50 years lest she recognize me. It feels weird being so far from home but having a connection to my roots right here. The genasi seems goofy but well-meaning, and I hope for good things for him. I can't get a read on the other two but hopefully I don't get in these peoples' way. Still no progress on shuffling off this mortal coil.

34th High Tide, 9047

It's finally happening. I've been lounging around this city for almost 2 weeks trying to feel again but I just seem like an outsider. At least there's drink to make me numb... but today the job I came here for is supposed to commence. I don't know what it entails and I could care less. I just need an excuse to either die trying or find a purpose. A purpose- what a joke. I already had one and I threw it away in an act of cowardice. Why I ever thought I could be a paladin of fucking Eldath is beyond me. I'm a coward through and through. I hate killing. I don't even know if she listens anymore; I can't imagine why she'd care after I gave up so quickly. I can't let these people see me. They just need to see some faithful fool who got himself killed, I don't need to tell them what's wrong with me. I don't even know how the average person would react if they found out they were travelling with some half-assed corpse that forgot how to die and stay that way. None of that matters. I'll try not to form attachments and maybe I can keep these people at arms reach. Gods help me if I start to care. I never know how to shut up when I start to feel for people. Let's hope it's a quick end.
This article has no secrets.


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