
Immolate was born some time before or during the War of the Starfall, likely in the same nature as all Warforged of Perradin, upon the Anvil of Emptiness. His exact nature is unknown, but surviving written records indicate an incredibly influential position of power within the organization in the later days of the war. The title of Paragon is used in some instances, but there is no information as to what duties he held. Mentions of Immolate disappear from the written record shortly after the war's end in 1507. It is unknown where he went or what he did in the 2000 years before he next appeared.   Immolate reappeared in the written record shortly after the founding of the First Didacian Consulate in 3434. He returned to The Didacy and became a teacher. During his tenure he assisted the Didact at the time, Leonius II, establish new internal protocol after the new Consulate government had cut the Didacy out of positions of power over the region. Records indicate that Immolate was instrumental in redirecting the Didacy's focus to being a place of higher learning rather than a place to seek power. He also established a meticulously-crafted record keeping system for the Didacy, which became the basis for the nearly-unbroken annual records kept by the Didacy since 3550. After this reform was established, Didacy records indicate Immolate took an "extended sabbatical" for the next 2000 years. Spotty records across Consulate legal paperwork indicate Immolate may have traveled across various parts of the Stargash Crater. Several instances indicate he visited communities of other Warforged and impoverished regions of the Consulate. Court documents indicate that Warforged 2 filed a restraining order against Immolate in 3785, only to rescind the order in 3786.   After inconsistent records of Immolate's actions for many centuries, he returned to The Didacy in 5798. He remained there, quietly operating as an clerk and occasional advisor for Didacts across the ages. He remained in similar positions until he was dismissed in 8902 by Didact Cassius III shortly after he became Didact, after which Immolate once again disappeared from the record. After Immolate's departure, the Didacy was plagued by Cassius III's poor leadership for over a century until his death in 9034. The Didacy fell into extreme disrepair due to Cassius' neglect, ineffective leadership, and gluttonous personal appetites for institutional resources. Many longstanding Didacy members mourned the loss of Immolate as they believed his advice and nature were essential to the Didacy's stability.   In 9043, he returned to the Didacy at the request of the new Prime Didact, Victus XXII . Since then, Immolate has worked tirelessly alongside Victus in a new elevated position to undo the incalculable damage that Cassius brought to the Didacy. In 9047, Immolate re-established the long-disbanded Asset Retrieval Team in an effort to recover an artifact from the Didacy's pre-Starfall past.
Current Location
Unknown, ~7500
Date of Birth
Before the War of the Starfall
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silver and Bronze Metal
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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