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Dolphin Culture

Dolphins of PÈRYL can invoke and used magic. Although not necessarily allied to humanoids of the surface world, occasionally, magic-using dolphins have aided drowning sailors. Littoral gnomes and Svor occasionally trade with magic-using dolphins. Furthermore, there are some magic-using dolphins employed as agent of the Six Crows. (underwater missions are a thing).   Dolphins are, perhaps unsurprisingly, usually devotees of sea gods—Shauxad, Īshr, et al albeit with their own names—however one of the most popular religious tradition among dolphin cultures is a being they call the Drowned and it is divinity that has been exiled from the surface world and now resides in the oceans.   A strong faction of dolphin culture are opposed to the popular sea god, Shauxad (and his variants), as he is associated with sharks which are natural enemies and who are drowned on sight.

Cover image: Dolphin Culture: a meeting of the Six Crows and the sea mages. by 包德強


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