Biter of Demons Report

General Summary

Previously: Redbrand in Tresendar Manor
The three ruffians we captured were named Scubb, Boris, and Nathaniel. The talkative one said he didn't know who Glasstaff was, but looked worried. He confirmed that captives were being kept in the tunnels. He was a member of the Redbrand Company, and was down in the cellar to hide, as he did sometimes but didn't dare explore the area. He was warned to stay clear of the 'Eye Monster'.
He had heard the gossip in the company that monsters were buying the people that got on the wrong side of the Redbrands as slaves. He claimed he stayed in a grey area of mostly legal merc-work, which was not always above board but that he was not given to tormenting and torturing people for kicks. The Redbrand Company had been around for a few months, and in Phandalin for about a month. This person, Glasstaff had been in charge since the group set up in Phandalin. Glasstaff is a wizard - but not the main boss. Scubb had heard of someone called 'Black Spider' who paid the Redbrand well for unspecified goods and services. None of the Redbrand he'd spoken to had seen who this Black Spider is.
We gave the ruffians a good talking to and told them to leave and never come back to Phandalin. The men were pathetically grateful and agreed whole-heartedly.
Exploring the cellar further, we found that it was inhabited by a group of unusually intelligent rats, and not only that, some of them were zombie rats. Using Tharg's druid link to nature we talked to them, and found out the zombie rats were the honoured ancestors of the current rats, brought back to them through the strange magic under the dwelling, to guide their tribe with their wisdom and experience.
The rats warned us of a dangerous creature, describing it as a spiky pink frog with one eye who is evil. I was reminded of the Sharandarran nursery rhyme creature called the 'Hypnotoad'. There used to be giant spiders as well, but not anymore. In areas not used at the moment, there are also humanoid zombies roaming. The three ruffians were told to always carry a minor magical item on them, and if they found themselves hunted by this 'eye monster', to throw it in one direction as a distraction, and run in the other. Boris carried a magical troll molar for this purpose.
A very elderly zombie rat, possibly even skeletal, referred to as Demonbiter, agreed to guide us, and perched on Anathema's shoulder to fulfil this purpose.
Through an archway and circumventing a pit-trap, we discovered the crypt of the manor house by the mourning angel carved into the doors. I recognised this as a standard noble burial practice. If left unattended, especially if the original family of the manor is evicted or dies out, crypts can gather negative energy. Demonbiter confirmed that this is where the zombie humans had gathered.
The crypt decorations reminded me of some of the architecture from back home, and I realised they must have some connection to the ancient Illefarn Empire which once spanned across the Llewyrrwood (Neverwinter Wood) and the surrounding lands in the time before Sharandar emigrated fully to the Feywild. The stone coffins, (sarcophagi?) each had a different style, showing the passing of centuries. Demonbiter shared memories with us of the skeletons appearance, dressed in armored mail and helmets and holding rusting longswords. The noticeable tracks in the room's dust showed the skeletons following the same tracks as if they were patrolling and guarding the room.
On mention of 'Illefarn', some of the original spirit and personality returns to the three skeletons. From the engravings, we deciphered the name Tresendar on each of the graves, Lord Twofoldore Tresendar seemed to have the oldest grave and most like the Illefarn style I recognised. Sir Bewilderforce Thumpton-Tresendar was next, and Lady Chasmin Tresendar was the newest grave, although still at least several hundred years dead. Although they were unable to speak, we communicated through charades and learned they had been compelled to guard the passage by the current occupants of the lair, but with enough loophole to allow us through as long as we were wearing Redbrand insignia, such as the red cloak.
With this advantage, we were able to sneak up and quickly overpower two human Redbrand guards watching over the slave pen and taking malicious pleasure in verbally tormenting their current prisoners. One was killed by an unlucky swordstrike, while the other was overpowered and stripped of his weapons and Redbrand uniform. He gave us some more information about the lair, before making a break for escape. Unfortunately, the newly awakened spirit-skeletons of the Tresendar knights took the opportunity to strike at an interloper not protected by Redbrand insignia and cut him down immediately.
Before he tried to flee, we learned that Glasstaff had chambers in the west of the tunnels, that Black Spider's hired Bugbears had also joined them to support Redbrand's efforts in intimidating the locals and scare off adventurers, and that there DEFINITELY is an Eye Monster. On the two bodies we found more minor magical trinkets: one set of four ace cards, enchanted to disguise themselves as part of the pack they were shuffled into, and a bottle of an expired potion of growth of the famous defunct Grandberry Potions brand.
Next: Prisoners, Guards and Ancestral Bones
Phandalin Campaign
Anathema Summerbrace
Her'dyr Greymoir
Tharg Who is Wise
Report Date
30 Jun 2022