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Gin, Althea, and Rivia

Written by dschenaker


Gin and Althea, having navigated the challenges within Axeholm Fortress, find themselves standing in the heart of the ancient Dwarven Forge. The air is thick with the scent of burning coals and the harmonious clanging of hammers striking anvils. The chamber is a testament to the craftsmanship of Dwarven engineering, with towering walls adorned with intricate depictions of legendary battles and skilled artisans at work. Before them are two magnificently crafted forges, flames dancing within their hearths, casting a warm, amber glow across the room. The anvils stationed in front of each forge gleam with the polish of countless hours of use, the rhythmic clangs of hammer strikes echoing the history of masterful creations birthed within these walls.   The craftsmanship of the Dwarven Forge extends beyond the practical tools of the trade. Elaborate murals depicting the forging of legendary weapons adorn the walls. Glistening veins of precious metals run through the stone floor, hinting at the wealth of resources passing through this sacred space. An ornate door stands opposite the entrance at the back of the forge. Its surface is engraved with intricate patterns and runes, telling tales of the forge's storied past. The door is tightly locked, hinting at secrets hidden beyond its confines.   The lock mechanism is a masterpiece of Dwarven engineering, an intricate puzzle that requires careful study and skill to unravel. Althea, guided by her keen perception, notices subtle details in the murals that suggest a more profound significance to the locked door. As she inspects the engravings, she senses a connection between the depicted legends and the secrets in the chamber beyond. Gin, though often reckless, recognizes the value of the ornate door. He produces a set of lockpicking tools, examining the complex mechanism.  
    What will Gin and Althea do? Will they:
  • LOCKPICK THE DOOR - Perception Check = d20 > 10
  • FORCE THE DOOR OPEN - Strength Check = d20 > 15
  Roll Initiative  
Lockpick the Door - Success
Plot | Feb 24, 2024

Lockpick the Door - Success

Lockpick The Door - Failure
Generic article | Feb 24, 2024

Lockpicking Attempt Failed

Force the Door Open - Success
Generic article | Feb 24, 2024

Force the Door - Success

Force the Door Open - Failure
Generic article | Feb 24, 2024

Force the Door - Failure



Gin and Althea exchange glances, weighing the decision to trust this unexpected encounter. Rivia, however, seems genuine and welcoming. After a small silence, Gin gruffly introduces himself, and Althea follows suit. As the initial greetings conclude, the trio's attention is drawn to a small storage room within the chamber. Five chests and empty crates occupy the space.   Three silver chests are neatly arranged in the center, flanked by a wooden chest on each side. The chests emanate an aura of potential wealth, and both Gin and Althea can't help but feel the allure of the treasure within. However, caution prevails in the adventurers' minds. Althea, ever vigilant, scans the room for any signs of traps or hidden dangers.   The floor appears stable, and there are no immediate indications of peril. Gin, eager to uncover the potential riches, approaches the chests with a wary eye. The silver chests, in particular, seem to be of exceptional craftsmanship, their surfaces adorned with delicate engravings.   The decision now lies before the party: to open the chests and unveil the treasures within, risking the potential dangers that may guard them, or to exercise restraint and proceed with further investigation. Rivia, observing the scene with keen interest, awaits the party's choice, ready to assist or share in the rewards that may unfold in the hidden chambers of the Dwarven Forge.  
What will Gin and Althea do? Will they:
  • INSPECT THE CHESTS - Perception check roll d20 > 12
  • JUST GO FOR IT - Hidden Poison Cloud Spread! To avoid Roll Constitution d20 > 12
Roll Initiative  
Lockpick the Door - Success
Plot | Feb 24, 2024

Lockpick the Door - Success

Inspect the Chests - Failure
Generic article | Feb 24, 2024

Inspection Failed

Just Go For It - Success
Generic article | Feb 24, 2024

Just Go For It - Success

Just Go For It - Failure
Generic article | Feb 24, 2024

Just Go For It - Failure


The Story Continues


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